

I got up early this morning, before the sunrise, with a good night-time erection. Since it was getting too arousing for me, I decided to put-on a “chastity cup”. But which one? My erection was starting to go flaccid, so I decided on my SafeTGard “Cage Cup”. I put it on and, unable to get back to sleep, decided to put on headphones and just chill out with some relaxing, erotic sounds. It wasn’t too long before I started to meditate. Here is the essence…..


I began to meditate on what it means to be “caged-up”. I had a vision of an animal, particularly a lion, confined in a space that he really didn’t want to be in. But more importantly, he is caged-up against his potency, more specifically, his sexual potency. He is unable to roam, mingle and “service” the lionesses. More specifically, he is unable to penetrate the female with his penis.

Isn’t this the same approach, then, with us? Don’t “cock cages” and “chastity cups” perform basically the same function? Aren’t they taking away our sexual potency too? They both prohibit us as males to roam, mingle and “service” other females (or another partner). They prevent us from using our penises in the intended manner or for pleasure.


Isn’t this a cruel way to “punish” us males? Aren’t we supposed to roam, mingle and “service?” In the animal kingdom, yes, but we are more than animals. We have a consciousness and a free-will that enables us to think-through our desires and act accordingly. This concept of “male chastity” has taken-root in a lot of men and they get extreme pleasure and satisfaction when “caged-up” sexually. I consider myself to be in that camp as well.

What is about being “caged-up” that is so intriguing, so stimulating, so erotic? It is not normal, is it? Perhaps not in the wild animal kingdom, but we are not wild animals! We have the ability to control our lives, our destinies. And male chastity is but one way that we can control our sexual selves. Men like me get our sexual pleasure from (of all things) denial of sexual pleasure. Isn’t that an oxymoron? Does that make any sense? Certainly not to an animal like a lion or tiger, but we are more than mere animals. We consciously make the decision for chastity (or we accept another’s “decision” to place us in chastity, or cage-us-up). We derive a great deal of satisfaction, arousal, and stimulation from the experience of imposed male chastity. When you see an image of a guy wearing a cock cage that looks so confining, so intimidating, so painful, don’t just take that “normal” reaction of “no way, not me!” “I would never do that myself!” or “I would never allow my penis to be locked-up that way!” As the old saying goes: “You need to walk a mile in my shoes!” Then you will know my side of the story….


This digression is about the concept of “male chastity” and why so many men derive sexual pleasure from this practice. I welcome you to put-on my shoes!


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/caged-up/