No session this morning. But I awoke fairly early and wanted to relax with some meditation tracks. I selected one: “The Timeless Sea 10 hr’s” and began to listen. It was very calming and relaxing. It wasn’t too long before I began a meditation…..
I began to meditate on sex. Not in the usual sense, but within the context of all reproduction of wild species. For example, how do insects mate? What about birds? And so on….
And the meditation turned-back on us humans. We certainly reproduce but in our own terms, no? We have “rules and regulations” galore—generally monogamous unions and all kinds of penalties if we are not. We human males then are not “free” in a sexual sense. We are usually committed to one single female for life. Is this the way it is supposed to be? Perhaps, but then the mechanics of sex becomes quite…..boring! There is no variety! Maybe that is why so many men have issues with ED? PE? DE? We rely more on artificial means (pills, etc.) to increase our arousal and our sexual performance. So there is a deeper-rooted psychological basis for the sexual maladies of the human male. Intriguing….
Effect with Aneros
The meditation then shifted to Aneros and our prostate pleasures derived from these simple devices. I read about men in the Forum having issues with arousal, erections and generally a lack of stimulating, orgasmic sessions. I too experience this from time to time. And I began to dwell on their cause. Of course, the usual explanation is that “our expectations are too high!” But I would like to counter that with “just let sex happen!” “Sex” in this context implies anything sexually-arousing such as an Aneros session.
Just Let It Happen
Just let it happen? Isn’t that a reckless approach to prostate arousal? Not in my opinion. If it’s going to happen in a session, great. But what if it doesn’t? That’s okay too. It is not profitable to “force” a prostate orgasm—-it’s not going to happen anyway! Save the frustration and just accept the fact that the “sex” (here meaning prostate-arousal) will happen at another time, another place. And with this attitude, there seems to be much relief. An analogy is the guy who can’t perform in bed. He can’t get his cock hard no matter how hard he tries. Rather than frustrate over this with his wife (or partner), he should just accept it at the time and enjoy what is left of the sexual “session”. Much the same way with a prostate-massage session. So what if the session doesn’t yield an orgasm (or perhaps even a Super-O), so what? Just continue with the activity (session) and move-on from there. There will always be another time, another place for sex! Touche’.
PS A quick web-search after completing this blog discovered these suggestions for inducing an erection (from It may help to substitute “prostate orgasm” for “erection” and “prostate massage” for “body stimulation”.
“1. Let it go. If you’re having trouble getting an erection on occasion, it is likely due to stress and anxiety in your life. Try to relax your body and don’t tense up all of your muscles. Sexual arousal when you’re ready to jump out of your skin is not going to happen. Give yourself a mental health break and calm way down.
2. Forget about an erection. Just the fear and stress from not being able to become erect can work against you. Totally forget you are trying—in fact, stop trying to get an erection. Tell yourself it’s not going to happen now and that’s all right.
3. Fantasize about it. Once you’re completely relaxed and have totally forgotten about getting an erection, slowly begin to immerse yourself in your sexiest fantasy. Close your eyes if you have to. Think of whatever situation or dirty talk really turns you on—it’s different for virtually everyone. It’s private, so don’t worry about exposing yourself. Be as creative as you like with your fantasies.
4. Body stimulation is next. Once you’re relaxed, stress free, and well into your most forbidden fantasy, body stimulation by yourself or your partner can add to the entire experience and can cause an erection to occur.
We all have erectile dysfunction at some time in our lives – whether it’s sooner or later. It’s not always possible to get an erection fast. Don’t sweat it because these things happen. Relax, follow these steps and allow an erection to occur naturally. If it doesn’t happen today, there will be other occasions for sexual intercourse. If you have chronic erectile dysfunction, talk to your doctor about options that may be available for you.”
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So there you go! Basically, the same advice!