“That Awkward Period Between Flaccid and Erect”

I haven’t had Aneros sessions in a few days, but that doesn’t mean that I do not experience any prostate pleasures. Let me explain…..

Like all other guys, I have nightly erections (NPTs). Sometimes, I am still partially erect and I get the urge to play with my package. Usually, I can do this if I am not wearing a “chastity cup”. Now this activity normally doesn’t precipitate a full-blown erection but it still feels deliciously erotic. Somehow, my cock seems to “know” that I will not reach the PONR and thus there will be no ejaculation. So a rock-hard erection is not in order for me. But in the meantime, all that playing-around seems to get my prostate energized, like it can be “ready” for an ejaculation if so prompted!

I call this an “awkward period” since if I completely stop the play, I will become flaccid again. But if I continue the stimulation, I will continue to prompt my ejaculatory system and that feeling can only intensify; how far it goes is up to me.

Interestingly, if I start to “play” while I’m completely flaccid, that usually does not cause an erection per-se’. It is only when this occurs near an NPT that I can initiate one. Interesting….


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/that-awkward-period-between-flaccid-and-erect/