“This Cup’s Not Made for Drinking….or Touching!”

Of course, I am referring to a “chastity cup” or “groin cup*” as it is known. I decided to sleep in my Mueller cup overnight; I am currently in Day 6 of semen retention (SR). I knew that this cup would provide me with much “comfort” and stimulation overnight. I was very right!


I awoke several hours later with a raging, throbbing erection within the cup. As I noted before, the inside of the pouch and cup places some direct pressure on my frenulum, causing me to feel close to the PONR. This was no exception last night; with every “throb” (which I could not control), I felt ever-so-close to the PONR and an ejaculation! This feeling went-on for perhaps 30 minutes or more. It is ironic that although the cup is made to prevent ME from touching my cock, it actually DOES touch my cock in its own way. That feeling it provides is much akin to a slow, erotic edging session with a partner (since MY hands are not involved with this activity). The upside to this is that as I get closer to the PONR, I can feel my prostate being engaged and energized, ready to ejaculate! Oh, what a feeling!


I have purposely avoided Aneros sessions as of late, but that does not mean that I do not feel my prostate inside me. Of course, the prostate is always involved in ejaculations and last night’s foray into my male privates gave my entire ejaculatory system a workout, including my prostate, and feeling every part the man that I am!

Of course, it goes without saying that I am nearing another release by ejaculation. But when, where and with whom is unknown at present. One thing is certain: that ejaculation is more and more on my mind; my role as a male is confirmed!

* “Testicles are unprotected and vulnerable in their placement outside the body (unlike other vital organs, such as women’s ovaries) – and also testicles are easily the most sensitive parts of the body. Therefore, males are advised to wear a groin cup which is formed to cover the genitals to protect them from impact. Groin cups are worn in an athletic supporter made to hold the cup around these sensitive parts.”

“Women also have something similar now that is sometimes called a groin cup, but because a woman does not have anything to “cup” over, they are more like shields/pads that protect her groin, which is sensitive, but is extremely difficult to injure because it does not have reproductive organs hanging from it.”


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/this-cups-not-made-for-drinking-or-touching/