“Edging, Cups, Orgasms and…..Life!”

I slept in my XO “chastity cup” overnight and reveled in the PONR-sensations induced on my frenulum overnight. Being in Day 7 now of SR, I am feeling the effects of the T-boost! (I have no sense of the blue-balls yet so I don’t feel impelled to ejaculate just yet.)

I had a pseudo-edging session while wearing my cup. I queued-up ‘edgemeplease.com’ for a regular session and started watching. (I had my lube in-hand and ready-to-go-at-it.) But instead of stroking my cock when instructed, I “stroked” my cup up-and-down! It felt nice with a strong erection within it. This session didn’t last too long, but when the ‘CUM’ screen appeared, I was still somewhat disappointed! Yes, I would like to have cum, but instead, I let myself cool-down. Now, I’m listening to some old disco tracks and they are nice!

Where To From Here?
I am maintaining my chastity profile at least for now. It is a trade-off between the myriad positive effects of semen retention and the specter of blue-balls. I’ll choose the former for now…. My sexuality is imbued in my very existence and I’m thankful for that!

Without an Aneros session, I have to concentrate…..no, meditate on the role sexuality has on me. What I discovered is a wonderful sense of “maleness” —-if you will—- that exerts a very positive influence on me and my daily actions. Certainly not a ‘super-macho’ mentality but rather a nice (if not gentle) “glow” of male libido that I can feel.

Aneros sessions are nice: they get me to that “place” faster than any other way. But sometimes, it is just as nice to “stop and smell the roses” — and let my sexuality “float” me away in my journey through life. In my opinion, I’m not losing-out on anything by not ejaculating so often. Quite the contrary, this practice of semen retention has opened-up new doors for my sexuality and I am enjoying every minute!


PS My male sexual “tools” are now hidden from my view by a “chastity cup”. I know they are there and can be “uncovered” at any time! But it is nice to just use my imagination and think of all the wonderful things I can do with them! Is there such a thing as a “fantasy orgasm”? Intriguing…….

PS “Hard Cup, Soft Cup, Jock Cup, No Cup” – A Vignette
The day is off and running! I was wearing my XO cup until about an hour ago. I wanted something “softer” so I switched to my Shock Doctor 227 jockstrap with a soft cup. What a nice feeling! So soft and comfortable! I can “cup” my package now through the foam and it feels wonderful! What will be the next step? A regular jockstrap with a knit pouch? And what will come after that? No pouch! (I need to take a shower!) That opens the door for some erotic playtime! Ah, the wonders of the male physique never seem to fade away!


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/edging-cups-orgasms-and-life/