Progasm p-tab modification question

A couple days ago I gave my new progasm ice for its first ride and enjoyed it immensely. However, I noticed that the perineum tab on it is nearly a finger’s width away from making contact. It is fully inserted and the rear k-tab applies noticeable pressure. Though I enjoyed my first couple times with it, I cannot help but wonder if I am missing out without the external stimulation.

I have seen people mention that some people modify their aneros in comments here and in the aneros forums, but have not been able to find any with specific examples/descriptions of what was done, why, and or how. So I have a few questions for you fellow pleasure seekers.

Has anybody else encountered this issue with the progasm?
Did it lead you modify it and if so how did you go about doing it?
Were you successful or not in your attempts?
Does anybody have any links to threads that already cover the above? (I can really only go online on mobile so that maybe my issue in finding it)
Any other just general progasm tips or experiences you’d like to share?

Also, thanks so much to all of you that take the time to share your journey. It sure has helped me along in mine.



  1. on an MGX, I took my mitre saw to both tabs and sawed them off so that I can use the device more like a butt plug when I am sitting flat on a chair. I have used it this way for years with no problems, but the tabs protruded further in the X-axis than the Progasm tabs do. I tried the same thing on the Progasm without much success since the tabs turned up pretty quickly from the stem. When I removed them, only two little nubs were left remaining. Even when I sanded them down, they are not comfortable at all to sit on as they dig into my soft tissue, esp the perineal tissue. Bummer. I do wish that Aneros would design and manufacture a device for guys who like to sit on it flat in a chair while we masturbate. It hits that prostate so well…

  2. Am replying mostly to see what the suggestions are. Just dropped my progassm and broke a prong off. Unless I hear a better suggestion I’m going to take a torch to it and soften up the ends of the parts that broke and stick it back together but with the prong angled down a little from where it normally is.

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