The Road to Rewiring

When I look back at the milestone of my rewiring 11 years ago I now realize that it was a bringing together of the jig saw puzzle of events and experiences from the start of my sexual journey of discovery that began in earnest in my early 30’s with the experiences of the first two years of my Aneros practice. Looking back on it the potential was always there and the adoption of Aneros practice was the key that opened the door. In effect I believe that rewiring brought together the male and female sides of my sexual psyche and forged them into bisexuality.

The first step in this evolutionary forging of my sexuality that rewired me was my participation in a workshop on female sexuality and female sexual response when I was in my early 30’s. My eyes were opened to the deeper more visceral experience of orgasmic pleasure that women have as opposed to men. I learned the inextricable link between a woman’ s mind, her vagina, the visceral sensory presence of her lover (his scent, looks, feel etc), her whole body experience of pleasure, the strategic ingredient of how she feels psychologically at that moment and her orgasm.

With the realization and new knowledge I approached sex differently with my wife; I put myself in her mind and body as I made love to her vagina. As cunnilingus is my favorite sex act with her, I started with that. When I made oral love to her pussy, I slowed down and stopped thinking in terms of my erection and penetration, instead I focused on the moment and what she might be feeling . I interpreted her feelings by her sounds, movements and the taste of her vagina. I really got into giving her pleasure and understanding how my actions, timing, focus and words drove her to the warm abyss of orgasmic euphoria. This realization became my “gold standard” for the future. I was 32 at the time, 22 years before I began Anerosing.

Ten years later I was investigating pathways to spiritual growth and inner peace; it was a tumultuous time in my life. I discovered Zen. This new way of looking at the world resonated with me because it redialed the knowledge of ten years earlier and the mind – body – pleasure cycle of female sexual response. I met many enlightened people in the first week long Zen retreat I went to. One woman in particular was a practitioner of several eastern approaches to life and the pursuit of peace and pleasure; she was 20 years older than me. We would have many long talks around a fire pit late at night about her knowledge of and experience with Tantra. I usually left those conversations with a dripping erection. if the time and place were different I have no doubt she would have welcomed me to her bed.

The discovery of Tantra was like bolting a Turbo Charger onto my sex drive. I experimented with my wife applying some of what she shared with me. The mind numbing ecstasy during our love making made bells ring in my wife’s ears as her vagina spasmed in the sweet agony of Tantra induced orgasms. These orgasms were so intense they made her vagina drool as it twitched and puckered in orgasmic contractions. It was the first time she ever did that during orgasm.

In 2004 I had open heart surgery that put me out of commission for 6 months with regard to any kind of sexual activity what so ever. When I got back in the saddle (so to speak) I was 53. It was July when I was cruising the internet looking for “hot” sites. Somehow I wound up in the Aneros website. What I read in the testimonials boggled my mind. I studied all the wikis and I posted questions in the threads. At that time there was no blogs or chat. It was two months before I bought my MGX.

I got results in 6 months but I became proficient (as described in the previous 7 entries) two I remember the day I knew I was rewired vi years or so after I first inserted. I was getting Super O’s consistently and I was able to modulate them with mind control and breathing. That summer I turned 55.

The first indication I had that I was rewired was that I was horny all the time. Erections became much more part of my aware daily life. My perspective on daily sensory experience became more acute. Wearing shorts and feeling the heat of the summer sun warming my penis in my shorts caused it to stiffen to erection. However, my experience of arousal now included a pleasurable aching pulsing deep in my anal canal that I now recognize as my prostate stiffening, throbbing and sensitizing. In addition my nipples had become much more responsive. They were erect oftentimes and were hyper sensitive to stimulation; that stimulation was connected directly to my prostate. Toggling and teasing my nipples elicited the sweet tension of my prostate firming for pleasure.

Perhaps the most significant change was my fascination with erect penises and even greater, my fixation on watching rigid cocks spewing cum. I found myself watching guys on line, their cock heads swelling and contracting rhythmically as thick pearlescent ivory colored semen erupted from spread open cock slits. As I watched video after video on line, I savored my own penis lengthening and hardening in arousal as I watched.

A little taken aback at this sudden attraction to male equipment pumping loads of cum. I took the Kinsey Test and found out that I am hetrosexual with strong inclinations towards homosexuality. I pondered this situation frequently as I sorted things out. The reality of the siotuation was that I still was very attracted to women, tits and vulvas were still a huge turn on. I would add that my wife’s vulva and pussy mouth are incredibly sexy. Girl watching became a studying process rather than an staring process.

My rewired bisexuality was driven home with my first m – m tryst. Having a guy sucking my nipple as he massaged my prostate with a middle finger transported me to a secret place in my mind where the world slowed to a crawl and time ceased to exist. All that existed was warm soft pleasure and the relentless waves of bliss flowing into my anus. When he shifting his oral attention to my cock head and teased my prostate with ever so tender pressure, the waves turned to pumping contractions of agonizing ecstasy.

Rewiring allowed me to not ejaculate when my cock and anus were receiving simultaneous pleasure. He held me in a warm sea of mind numbing erotic euphoria as my cock root and prostate echoed the rapture that suspended me.

Now 13 years later I feel arousal in my anus at the same time my cock erects in response to a beautiful woman or an elegant penis in erection. Although I have been rewired a long time its magic is revealed to me in so many different ways in each experience I have.
