“A Matter Of Degrees”

I have been thinking about this lately. Let me explain it…..

Many things us guys do, particularly of a sexual nature, involve varying degrees of action. Here are some examples:

Masturbation/Edging – I can masturbate forcefully and elicit an ejaculation in probably less than a minute. Or I can take my time, go slowly, and extend the pleasure for perhaps 15 or 20 minutes or more. It is up to me how far I want to go.

Semen Retention – I can practice SR for just a few days as I have done. Or (barring the infamous ‘blue-balls’) I can extend it to perhaps 8-10 days or more. My most recent “run” was to 10 days and I had to end it, not due to ‘blue-balls’ but due to the extreme horniness that was generated.

Male Chastity – I can wear a “chastity cup” all night, or I can wait until I am aroused by a night-time (NPT) erection. The resulting feelings are similar but yet different.

Prostate Stimulation – I can do (and have done) daily Aneros sessions regardless of outcome. Some sessions are short, others are longer. I can do these sessions for therapy, e.g., control of BPH symptoms. Or, I can space-out the sessions as I am doing now. I use my arousal level as a guide to when I feel my prostate is telling me that a session is needed. Usually, those sessions are the best, as I can feel the immediate effects throughout my prostate and perineal area. An ejaculation usually is not required to appreciate all the stimulating effects of prostate massage.

“Aless Sessions” – I find lately that by delaying my Aneros sessions, I actually am feeling all the subtle effects of prostate massage abstinence more frequently than if I were to perform regular sessions.

Penetrative Sex – Even though I do not experience this as of late, it can be rationalized that sex need not always end with an ejaculation. Of course, that is the preferred ending, but perhaps if one is not plagued with ‘blue-balls’, this can be a way to retain sexual stamina, enjoy the nuances of tantra, and refrain from the refractory period which would occur with an ejaculation.

In my opinion, it is not always necessary to perform all these sexual activities to their natural conclusion. Sometimes, just taking a step or two backwards can be just as arousing as the real deal. A good example is semen retention/male chastity. By withholding the ejaculation for as long as possible, the arousal and resulting desire for that ejaculation can be mind-blowing! So, have fun exploring your sexuality but don’t feel that you have to “win-the-race” every time! Touche’.


Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/a-matter-of-degrees/