I don’t understand contractions

As title says, I have my questions. I’ve looked at the wiki, but I still am unsure about things.

I kinda think we contract our anal sphincters partly to keep the aneros in place, right? Similarly, you use one hand to keep a pickle jar from moving while you use your other hand to move the lid. To help communicate my thoughts on pc, Here is a [picture](https://imgur.com/4T2lpbI). Both green and purple refer to possible pc muscle movement. To me the contractions feel like you are trying to push your perineum out of myself vs pulling it closer to the center of my body. Which way are you supposed to do it? Are you pushing your body towards the aneros or pushing the aneros towards you? I would just test it, but 1. Both movements have helped brought at least minute pleasure and 2.) Over the last couple months, I have regressed on my ability to reach pleasure.

One issue I have with pc muscles is I am not 100% sure what that means. I can look up the pubococcygeus muscle. I know it helps stop urine flow, but for me at least, I am having trouble identifying it anyway. When I put my finger on my perineum, I can feel muscles move when I try to contract it. How close to your penis and balls can you feel your perineum move?

Also, I have had more success with the rolling contraction technique (anal to pc) than where you hold the two together and release abruptly. How does the second technique work?

Parts of this may have been confusing or poorly worded; if so, I’d be happy to help clarify what I mean

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/me0kwb/i_dont_understand_contractions/


  1. >I **don’t** understand contractions

    Title doesn’t check out.

    I mean title does not check out.

  2. Ok. I’ve been using the Aneros for several years now and have got to the involuntary contractions stage.

    Basically, there are TWO sets of muscles for the contractions: (1) your anal sphincter, the muscle you clench if you squeeze your butthole, (2) the PC muscle, which stops you peeing. I call these “sets” because the exact anatomy is quite complex, but for our purposes we can think of them as individual muscles.

    When you first start using the Aneros it’s hard to distinguish between these two sets of muscles. If you contract it feels just like one big muscle. But with experience you can distinguish them.

    I have now got to the point where if I contract my anal sphincter, with or without the Aneros, it automatically leads to a pleasurable contraction of my PC muscle, a sort of “wave” if you will. This means that because one automatically sets off the other, when using the Aneros I can get it to rub against my prostate by only squeezing my butthole very gently. Over the last few months, with more time on my hands and having discovered erotic hypno, I have made a lot of progress with the Aneros and have had some successive mini-Os. For years I thought I was one of those guys who simply couldn’t orgasm this way or even get much from the Aneros (apart from using it to amplify an ejaculation).

    The most important things I have realised is that it helps to be really, really horny, that the contractions needed to bring on pleasure are very gentle and subtle, and that you have to learn to lie back and love the feeling of the Aneros in your bum without consciously doing anything. If you are really horny and warm and relaxed, your muscles will automatically start contracting. That’s where the fun begins 🙂

    My most important advice would be not to give up. It can take a long time to learn to generate pleasure with the Aneros but it is so worth it.

    One way you can learn to distinguish between your anal sphincter and PC faster is by massaging and placing a well lubed finger in your ass. Try just a tiny bit in at first, and try to contract just around your finger (so not the PC). Then go in as far as you can and experiment with trying to contract around different bits (around your fingertip, the middle of your finger, and the lower bit). This will help you learn to distinguish the two main muscle sets much faster.

    Good luck!

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