Is it possible to rewire with aless sessions?

I’m really enjoying aless sessions and feel I’m nearly on the brink of a break through, but sessions with toys are not working so well for me. Has anyone “rewired” using aless only? Is it possible? Or should I work on aneros sessions every couple of days to improve my progress?



  1. If it’s working for you keep at it. We are all different. Aless with nipple stim was (and is) a part of my journey.

  2. I think aless sessions are helpful, but nothing beats the real thing (Aneros)

  3. My A-Less is way more powerful than toy. The toys are training wheels if you like.

  4. In my personal experience, yes. I went this route for about a year after not making much progress with my first Aneros toy (Progasm). I spent that year just doing Aless sessions with pretty consistent progress. At about month 3 things started really taking off and month 6 was my first of many super-o’s.

    I did eventually try several other models of Aneros (MGX, Helix, Eupho) with great success. To this day, majority of sessions are Aless and there are still amazing.

  5. Being aware of alternative way and exploring alternatives is at least halfway to rewiring. Toys always felt like an obstacle to what I already knew, I much rather explored fantasies (with or without porn). It feels more relaxed and you won’t confuse true arousal with the direct stimulation provided by toys, everything that happens is pretty much involuntary. You’ll always know how much potential there is and for anyone stuck I only advise abstinence and then try again.

  6. I suppose each person has his own path to prostate pleasure.

    In my case, I played with the Helix Syn and also a-less. I reached the orgasm with the toy first. But I made a few discoveries a-less as well.

    Now that I have reached the big o’s both ways I tend to play more a-less as it requires less preparation.

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