Knock-off Versions

So I had heard about the Aneros and started following here on Reddit a while back.

I didn’t want to blow much on one of these so I ultimately ordered a vibrating knockoff from Amazon in May. I spent months trying to get anything that anyone here was talking about. Nothing.

Then, finally, after reading enough and getting frustrated because obviously most others were getting a good time, I ordered a Helix Syn that arrived yesterday. O.M.G. 🙌🏻

Within 30 seconds I knew what I had been missing out on. No Super O but wow, it was like going into convulsions lol.

So a big thanks to everyone that posts here for so many tips and tricks, I felt like I was able to really hit the ground running.

More importantly, for those interested in trying, get the actual product and don’t necessarily sell yourself on the need for vibration. The 30 dollar difference is very, very worth it!
