Cock Head Massage

Esteemed old friend Turnrow and another fellow forum member have both asked me to talk about sulcus (cock head cleft) massage as a Super O enhancement and facilitator” as well as the practices I apply in stimulating my sulcus during a session. Specifically Turnrow asked me to respond to his request and elaborate in a blog entry. I have known Turnrow for many years as a reader on my WordPress blog and as an esteemed member of the “brotherhood of the prostate” here. So here you go Turnrow.

If I delve into my sexual practices immediately and provide background later, I am sure you will be afflicted with a certain stiffness that will hinder your ability to read serious content and understand my thought process (LOL). So ……… I will discuss the thinking stuff first. Then once you have background, I will get into the cock hardening stuff.

When I joined the forums many years ago and started on my path to achieve the holy grail of Super O, I followed the sage advice of respected elders of this community. These respected elders were hitting them out of the ball park so speak, so I dutifully did everything they suggested. Tantamount in their advice was the rule that prostate orgasm needed to be separated from penis oriented orgasm. The basis of the advice was that if one focuses on ones stimulated cock, it would be a distraction from sensation in the prostate and anal canal. In addition the advice also was rooted in the potential danger that stimulation of one’s cock would trigger ejaculation and “let the air out of the balloon” of your Super O.

There was a great deal of wisdom in this advice for a newbie such as me back then. However, over the years that followed I travelled further down the path of pleasure in my anal canal. After a few years of Aneros practice I discovered a few things about my body and its sexual response that allowed me to stray from the wisdom of the anal sages. These discoveries were predicated on the idea that there are practices we are all use in Aneros sessions that may be true for all of us but we are all different, so judgement is required in what you try. This wisdom begs the practioner to experiment, so I did.

I found that certain things that applied to me as a newbie or someone else in the forum did not necessarily apply to me as an accomplished practitioner. I learned that to discover what works for me I needed to experiment and explore outside the boundaries of broad brush Aneros wisdom.

Another realization I had was that this is a continual learning process; I would never be done learning about the magic and mystery of prostate orgasm and the linkage of prostate orgasm with all parts of my body including my mind, nipples and yes my penis. That reality hit me during my 5th or 6th years when my MMO’s became predictable and my mind was able to connect with what was happening in the rest of my body, while I was drowning in the excruciating rapture of a Super O. For me one of the realizations I had was that during a Super O I experienced throbbing pleasure in my perineum and cock root, they are part of the orgasmic response so they might be part of the stimulation process. During extremely pleasurable sessions when I was suspended in the euphoria of a prostate orgasm I felt a pulsing ecstasy all around my cock head and cock root.

For me this realization told me that for me my best path to experience crushing ecstasy in a prostate orgasm was to respect and exploit the holy trinity of my nipples, prostate and penis. So I committed to investigate how I might link these parts of my body together in an MMO. I decided that I would begin while I was in the privacy of a hotel room traveling for work. I decided to extend the hotel stay I was doing by one night by working a full day the last day of the trip. That would afford me the night to relax unburdened form worry about work and pursue pleasure in the solitude of my hotel room. Clearing my mind, relaxing and focusing on romancing myself was critically important to me if I was going to be successful. That was the first rule I learned to follow.

I ate a light dinner that night; once back in my room I took advantage of the Jacuzzi in the room to relax. I put on some “new age music” while in the Jacuzzi to ensure that I wasn’t going to be distracted by thoughts of work. After getting out of the tub I put on some comfortable loose fitting knitted shorts and a tee shirt. I then sat in an easy chair in the room and took my laptop on my lap to work on Book Five of my erotic novel.

I found years ago that giving words to my fantasies by writing the novel fans the flames of my arousal more than any other pornographic media I might look at. Thinking about what turns me on is way more erotic than looking at someone else’s idea of eroticism. Sure enough after an hour and a half I had added a dozen pages to the book and I had hardened my cock. It was dripping a stream, wetting my shorts.

I got into bed at midnight more or less in a very relaxed but aroused state. Laying an extra sheet I always had with me on top of the hotel sheet to protect it I got out a bottle of lube and did a gentle simultaneous external massage on my anus and my nipples. Breathing slowly and deeply I was drifting in very pleasant alesses in a very short time. I sustained the pleasure for a good hour. I can’t say it was exactly an hour as some time along I fell asleep. As is usual when I follow the above regimen before sleep I had a very steamy dream.

At 4 AM I woke for my normal time to do an Aneros session with a stone hard erection; my best time for Aneros sessions is between 3-6 AM. Being aroused when I woke up and hard as iron I was poised for a great session. I rolled over on my stomach as I reached for the Tempo on the night stand next to the bed; it was already in the condom and primed for insertion (I use the condom method). I inserted it and rolled fully onto my stomach, arranging my cockhead on the sheet. Pressing my erection against the sheet, I lay still and waited for the Tempo to find me. Like my hunting dog searching for a bird it found my spot in a matter of five minutes as I patiently waited, breathed evenly and fantasized steamy thoughts.

In my mindful state of erotic pleasure I often retreat into a fantasy place in my mind. In some sessions it is like I am walking through a catacomb of caves looking for an orgasm, other times it may be that I am walking nude in a darkened forest and unbeknownst to me an orgasm forms in the mist around me and flows into my anus while I stand immobilized in euphoria. In that particular session I remember that I was fantasizing about an orgasm forming in the darkened quiet outside my hotel room window and discovering I was in the bed inside. Seeing me it concentrated itself into the form of a sensual woman who came into the room and put her delicate fingers into my anus to stimulate my pleasure.

In a matter of minutes my orgasm was in full swing, enticing my prostate to pulse in ecstasy, and contracting my anus and releasing it in a metronome type rhythm. I was on the way but not quite there yet.

As the orgasm fell into a regular rhythm I turned my chest sideways bending at the wait to keep my cock pressed against the mattress. The orgasm continued like a merciless cadence. With my nipple exposed I began to “toggle” my nipple like it was an on/off light switch. The orgasm responded by increasing in intensity and adopting the rhythm of the toggling motion on my nipple. I then began to do deep rapid burst breathing taking 3 fast in and out deep inhales and exhales then waiting five seconds or so until I did the next 3 inhales / exhales. The orgasm increased in intensity in the 5 second lull between breaths. I did the breathing – waiting protocol twenty or thirty times until the orgasm was shrieking in intensity.

At that point the orgasm was so intense it was pumping my prostate hard. The intensity of the orgasmic spasms was so intense it spread the ecstasy to other parts of my sexual anatomy. I was getting pleasurable contractions in my cock root and perineum. Subtle tingling waves of ecstasy were starting to dance around my cock head.

At that point I rolled onto my back and put my middle finger in my cock cleft and my thumb on the top side of my cock head. Holding it firmly I gently pulled on it stretching it slightly. When I am having a Super O, which is where I was at that point my penis shrinks to negligible size. I am a grower. I go from 3 inches flaccid to almost 9 in erection. In MMO I shrink back to 3-4 inches. When I pull on it as I amy flaccid penis as I am orgasming it increases the pleasure and the power of the orgasm.

With the orgasm in control of my anal canal, prostate, anus, cock root, perineum and nipples I attempted to suppress it. My goal was not to kill the orgasm but rather to stall it. It takes incredible mind body control to suppress an active MMO. I can usually do it for about a minute. In the process of denying the orgasm it increases in strength exponentially.

So as I willed the orgasm to not happen I slowly began to massage my cock cleft with my middle finger. It is like stepping on the brake and gas pedal of a car at the same time. When you release the brake you take off. After a minute or so of massage the orgasm refused to be denied and broke through. As it did I continued to stroke the underside of my cock head gently using the precum that was dribbling from my slit as lube.

The orgasm was then being orchestrated by the massage of my sulcus, the toggling of my nipples and the Tempo working my prostate. My anus, cock root, prostate and perineum were contracting and releasing like the parts of an idling engine; my orgasmic parts fired in an ordered sequence just like a motor, sustained by my fingers and the Tempo. That was the first time I did it. Since then I refined my practice in several other sessions. However a few months after my first sulcus massage session the most amazing experience I ever had was a paired session with my wife.

She has always loved doing hand jobs on me. She has a fascination with my cock in erection and ejaculating. She loves to make me ejaculate and watch it. When I shared with her the cock cleft massage technique she was beyond fascinated. She wanted to assist me and do me. We set a date for the weekend upcoming. I was still working then so a weekend when we had time in the morning was mandatory. As much as she loves me she refused to get up at 4 AM, but did agree to do it at 6AM.

We showered together the night before we got into bed paying particular attention to masturbating each other in the shower. I made her orgasm once as I was soaping her vagina and clit but although she got my cock hard as stone we stopped short of ejaculation. I wanted to be hard to start the session. After drying off we got into bed and made out naked for twenty or thirty minutes. Kissing as we felt each other up has been our most intimate means of foreplay. Then we rolled over and went to sleep.

I woke at my normal 4 am and dozed until 6 am when I woke her up. Her hand intuitively drifted over to grasp my erection. In a half sleep giggle she said to me: “Oh that !” With her hand holding my erection we laid there for ten or fifteen minutes. I was ready to go but she was too sleepy to undertake anything. After 15 minutes she rolled over towards me still holding my cock and began to kiss under my ear. As she gained more wakefulness she became more playful in her pillow talk banter saying things like: you are so nasty, and I bet you want to MMO real bad you dirty man, and you are insatiable.

Her kissing under my neck continued but gradually her mouth drifted to under my chin and to my chest. Throwing the covers off of us she pulled her tee shirt off to reveal her breasts. She is a slim woman with 34 d tits. I love them; however, I did not get a chance to do anything about it as she was working her way down to my nipples. Once she is at my left nipple one that she knows is the more responsive of the two) she begins to suck on it. Endorphins flood my bloodstream arousing me and relaxing me at the same time. I lay back and savor the oral attention on my erected man teat.

She starts to gently pull on my cock as she suckles on my nipple. She knows form our 40+ years of having sex and my 15 years (at that time) of MMO what tugging on my cock and sucking my left nipple will do to my arousal. I drifted into gentle alesses. I murmured to her that they were starting. She answered with an Ummm Hmmm because her lips were wrapped around my nipple. My nipple is tingling as my prostate begins to pulse gently.

I whispered to her that I was ready. She knew that if she inserted the Tempo while I was alessing I will ramp up into full blown Super Os immediately. I suggested to her that we get in position. The position we often used when she is doing anal play on me is a tried and true position. She released my hardened nipple from her lips and tongue to let the cold lick it; the chill air made it harden even more.

She leaned her back against the headboard and extended her legs forward in a vee. She then put three pillows between her thighs just above her knees. I lay my derriere on the pillows and rested my heels on the top of the head board with my knees bent. My anus is clearly visible to her and easily manipulated. I love showing my anus and cock to her; it turns me on big time adding to my readiness to orgasm.

This position is comfortable for both of us and she loves the access to my perineum, anus and balls it gives her. She has become an expert on perineum massage and prostate massage. That position we were in puts her in the drivers seat to advance my pleasure. I love being serviced in that pose.

She started by stealing precum from my cock slit, using it to do a perineum massage. My aless had stalled when she abandoned my nipple and we arranged ourselves but resumed immediately with the start of a massage. I lay between her legs in heaven as she stroked my “million dollar spot”. The aless was growing and expanding in my pelvis. I described to her in detail what I was feeling. After ten minutes of stroking my perineum she reached for the Tempo. I am ready to be penetrated but she decides to rease me, inserting er finger an inch or two inside my opening and running her finger tip around the trembling rim of my hole. I am shaking I am so ready to be penetrated. So after a few minutes of teasing she inserted it watched my face for my reaction.

She was not disappointed. As soon as the Aneros hits my prostate my face contorted in the agony of extreme pleasure. My prostate immediately fired a salvo of intense orgasmic spasms that ramped up to excruciating Super O’s. As they did she abandoned my perineum and grasped my shrinking penis placing the pad of her thumb on my cleft. It was covered in my precum. She made tiny circles on my cock cleft with her thumb holding the flaccid shaft in her grip. She asked me how it was. Through gritted teeth I managed to say it’s wonderful.

She maintained the very slow circular massage of my cleft as she told me that my anus looked like a baby madly sucking on a the pacifier of the Tempo. She then put her other thumb back on my perineum and resumed the massage of my million dollar spot. The orgasm screamed into my anal canal. My legs began to tremble as my softened cock lurched in her grip. I began to toggle my own nipples and tried to once again stifle the orgasm to strengthen it. However I could only stall the spasm for 10 or 15 seconds; it broke through my resistance with a vengeance. The chains of orgasmic convulsions in my anal canal redoubled from a waltz beat to a cha cha. My cock was doing a lurid dance in her grip lurching and leaking my passion in a clear stream.

She began to urge me with alternating tender and vulgar mutterings as she continued her merciless massage of my cleft and perineum. She told me that she could feel my prostate flexing under oher fingers as she pressed my perineum. Being the knowledgeable fellatrice and masturbatress that she was she knew just how to time the strokes of my prostate and cock cleft to inflict the most agonizing ecstasy on me. The orgasms were reverberating in my anus, perineum and cock as my nipples tingled under my finger tips. My cock slit was leaking a stream of precum onto her fingers.

The session lasted a full 30 minutes of her massaging my cock cleft and perineum. I was a sweaty mess by the time it was over. This session was probably the hottest paired session we ever did.

Since that experience I did many other sessions solo and with her. Each one I do teaches me a little more. However as with all things Aneros it is always the pleasure of the first time that resonates in your memory.
