Trying to explore further

Hi again, I don’t think anyone is going to read this (apart from my future self), but I wanted to relate my experience and objectives.

I am just a guy in my early 20s that is trying to feel new kinds of pleasure, this time, making use of my prostate. The thing is that this is not the first time I tried to achieve hands free orgasms, indeed, I spent more than 3 years trying to obtain “metalgasms” or “nipplegasms”. Here is where the story begins:

One day, I was looking for new masturbation methods on the internet (I was virgin as fuck and I still am, so I wanted to try something new) when I suddenly came accross with a 20-minutes video that explained how to cum without touching your dick. I have always been curious about all kinds of self pleasure (I really need a gf…), so, I gave it a chance. I was sure that I wouldn’t be successful in the first try, but I didn’t imagine that it would take me almost 4 years to have my first HFO. To be honest, I felt very frustrated so many times because I couldn’t get what I was trying to get, but when it happened, I was happy I hadn’t given up before.

In case you want to know how it feels (this is quite subjective, so don’t guide yourself using my sensations as a map), I usually lie down on my bed, face up. When I’m relaxed, I usually stimulate my nipples (in my case, it triggers me) and try to relax even more while I think about videos I’ve seen or I create my own scenarios. If everything goes well, I feel my dick becoming harder and harder until I’ve got a sensation on its head (I am uncut (well, that’s another story…), so it feels like my glans is more sensitive and my foreskin stimulates it. Anyways, this sensation doesn’t last for too long). Once I reach this state, I try to relax even more and think about cumming. If it works, my dick feels as if it would explode and a warm sensation starts to form inside my body. When the orgasm hits, my dick is so hard that it’s almost unbearable. When I cum in a traditional way, my dick ejaculates all the fluids quite easily, but when I do it in this way and it being so hard… Before cumming, I feel as if my cock was going to explode, then, I feel as if the fluids get trapped inside my dick after the first contractions (this is so good and so unbearable at the same time I don’t know how to describe it). It is now when the best part comes, my dick usually explodes and lets all the cum out while I feel a huge orgasm and a relief. This sensation is really unique and worth having, as my cock releases everything and the unbearable sensation disappears. I feel really lucky to be able to do this, as most men will never get to have that “explosion”, nevertheless, it really took time and work to achieve.

Well, now that you know my previous experiences, let’s continue. As told before, I am looking forward to having a prostate orgasm. I have always tried to play with my prostate since I was a teenager, but it didn’t really work. For that reason, I decided to buy a prostate vibrator last Summer. It does its job, it is enjoyable and I really like it, the thing is that I haven’t had an orgasm yet.

After reading several reddit forums, I decided to get an aneros toy. I bought my aneros helix trident in January and I’ve been playing with it since it arrived. I have also given up penile stimulation, as I read it would make rewiring (being able to cum for prostate stimulation) much easier. The thing is that, after 2 months, I didn’t really have real results. I had fun and I was able to have hands free wet orgasms with the aneros inside me, but I give credit to my experience rather than to the toy, as my nipples and mind carried the orgasms.

Yesterday, I decided to publish my first post on reddit in order to look for help. Some people have given me several pieces of advice and I am willing to achieve a prostate orgasm. For now, I have decided to completely give up dick stimulation as a way to cum. I have also decided that I will rely on my prostate to give me orgasms, as using nipple stimulation would be cheating. Indeed, this afternoon I was trying to relax while stimulating my nipples when I felt a HFO was forming. I followed the tips that I was given, I just relaxed and didn’t expect anything to happen. The thing is that, just before cumming, I decided I didn’t want to ejaculate in this way, as I wanted to have an aneros session at night. For me this is quite amazing, as I have given up an amazing orgasm (my cock was already rock hard and about to burst) in order to explore new sensations. It may sound stupid, but I spent more than 4 years just to get to that point and, now, I am stopping it from happening to try to feel something better.

I have decided that I am going to start publishing posts about my “journey” in the prostate orgasms world. I just want to go step-by-step and explore more sensations. This is just an starting point.
