Think I experienced Pwaves, but cant get further

Had a 3 hour session with the helix last night, where i went from ‘do nothing’ to gentle contractions, occasionally stoking my nipples & smoking weed.

if i really concentrate, i get into a mode where my heartbeat gets fast and so does my breathing. it feels like it’s building to something, but i cant really get over the edge.

Has anyone experienced this and have some tips to share? is this actually a p-wave?

i got about 5 build-ups in the space of 3 hours. they felt really good!!


1 comment

  1. Couple questions:
    How aroused were you feeling?
    How many days had it last been since you orgasmed?
    Have you been feeling any outside stresses/things on your mind?
    Were you in a space that was distraction free and to yourself where you could be next to as loud as you’d like?

    It sounds like you’re getting close, I ask you to consider all these to say that the next step is allowing the feeling to reach the next level. This is as much a mental thing as it is physical if not way more. It isn’t that you “push” yourself over the edge, it’s that you allow yourself to be so immersed in your own arousal and the sensitivity of your prostate while trying to stay relaxed in the moment that your body “takes” you over the edge.

    To use a visual…your prostate is like horse you need to jump over the fence of your own sensitivity to reach the promised land of pleasure. And your arousal is the water and feed it needs to have the energy to do so. You may be on top enjoying the ride but the horse is what jumps, your role it to help facilitate that. If you try to force it well…have you ever tried getting a horse to move by pushing it from behind? You’ll just get kicked back even further. Feed and sate your prostate with healthy arousal, build it up strong and it will make a HUGE leap to the promised land!

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