I couldn’t continue

Hi again. These last days I’ve had several sessions with my aneros and I have enjoyed each of them more than the previous one. It seems that my new toy is about to arrive. I was supposed to have it next week, but it seems that I will have it today or tomorrow, so i’m really looking forward to playing with it. That being said, let’s begin.

Last night I followed my usual routine. I had a shower, cleaned my insides and headed to my bedroom. I put some towels on my bed and lubed the toy. I slid it in and I decided to start with the doggie position, as I wanted to give it another try. I really didn’t feel a thing, but I was comfortable. However, I decided to get on my usual position a few minutes later.

Once I laid on my back and had my knees bent, I started to take deep breaths in order to relax myself. I must also say that this time I put a towel under my hips. I’m glad I did it, my aneros was able to move more freely thanks to this and it really improved my session. After feeling relaxed, I started to percieve my prostate, as the aneros was pressing against it. It was not a strong sensation, but my legs started shaking some seconds later. I also started stimulating my nipples and I focused on my breathing, I was feeling great.

I continued with my strategy until I started to feel more pleasure. I decided that I didn’t want to play with my nipples anymore, so I put my arms just behing my head. I was feeling great, my legs were shaking and I was having a few spasms as well. My breathing started to became less regular, so I had to try not to lose my concentration. The sensations kept on growing until my whole body started moving. At this point, I was hugging myself with my arms and trying to control my breathing, but some low and broken “ah ah ah ah” escaped from my mouth while I was trying to fill and empty my lungs. I was feeling amazing, it wasn’t an orgasm, I’m sure of it, but I can really tell you that I didn’t care. Achieving an orgasm would be awesome, but feeling this relaxed and good is what I enjoy the most about my sessions.

The shaking continued until my whole body was almost convulsing. I even started saying words unconciously (I was talking quietly, but I had to bit my lips just in case I made noise). This continued for a couple of minutes until my body stopped. At this point I felt as if I was levitating or something, it was really good. The next thing I did was to start stimulating my nipples again. This triggered my prostate and the pleasure started growing inside of me once again. My dick became hard and it started throbbing. I knew that I was not going to cum, I just enjoyed the experience. Once my prostate was giving me the pleasure I wanted again, I stopped stimulation my nipples and my cock went from hard to semihard. When my prostate gives me a certain level of pleasure, playing with my nipples is just distracting, so I prefer to rely on my prostate.

The shaking came again and I found my arms hugging myself. At some point, it became too good to stand, as my whole body was strongly moving and I was starting to surpass my limits. I had to be careful as some low moans were escaping from my mouth and I knew stronger ones would come, something odd in me, as I’m not vocal. Another wave of pleasure came and I had to bite my lips in order not to moan, I was quite surprised.

The sensations were great, but my body was starting to feel tired. I had fun with the last waves that hit me and I decided to take the toy out. I knew that I could have had more fun, but I had already surpassed my limits and I was starting to feel exhausted because of all the session fun. I laid on my bed for some minutes and I decided to go to the bathroom to clean myself. After that, I went to sleep.

This morning, I woke up after having slept very well. As I had some minutes, I tried to take some fluids out through nipple play, but the alarm just hit when I was about to cum… Today I’m very relaxed, but, at the same time, I just want to play with my prostate tonight. I wish I was lucky enough to have my new toy for tonight’s session!

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/te0yoj/i_couldnt_continue/


  1. Wow Another great session so vividly imprinted on your brain that you remembered the minute details. Glad you had another great session.

    Did you feel Euphoric all day long? What did such a great session do to your horniness and hunger for more.

    My impression is that this is about as close as a man can get to the fountain of youth.

  2. Great writing bro!!

    What do you mean by surpassed the limit and felt tired??
    To you mean like you hit the refractory period??
    Or if wanted you could’ve continued even after being tired??
    And why would you want another toy anyways if aneros gives you so much pleasure??

    How would you differentiate the sensation from the vibrator, aneros, and your new wand?? Like are they different from each other??

  3. OMG what an awesome story I wish I was in the room watching you I definitely have to get one of these I have no idea what you’re talking about but it sounds like the gift to prostate massage.

    I always with my buddies that I have regular sex with you no room use my fingers play with your nipples sensitive spots and do a full Job on them suck their dick play with your balls everything but alone I have never achieved such pleasure.
    I got a raging hard reading your story thank you

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