Getting so close…

I’ve got a helix and am getting tantalising close to a P-orgasm. The helix is massively enhancing my orgasms but they are still ejaculatory penile orgasms. With the Aneros in place the climaxes are radiating far deeper and they are lasting much longer. Now I really want a P-orgasm but it’s proving elusive. I’m thinking a larger model like the Progasm might help.




  1. I feel your pain here, I started out with a Progasm Jr but I’ve found going smaller is better. Helix was my next purchase and I find the movement is much better which leads me to better orgasms. I have almost all models and Progasm is my least favourite. One of the tough things about giving or getting advice on this is that it is so personal, what works for one may not work for another.

    I wish you a P-Gasam very soon! I’m chasing one myself.

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