1. I would say the most common is laying flat on your back with your feet also flat so your knees are up

  2. I use the same position, also sometimes a doggie position after things get going.

  3. Being new try a couple of positions, why not?

    Relax, breathe, give yourself time, it’s not a magic button (yet).
    Imagination and being in a place where you are comfortable goes a long way.

  4. I overthought this same question for years. For me the truth is position varies based on how things unfold, but here’s my approach.

    Favorite: lying on right side, knees bent about 45 degrees. This is totally relaxing and takes zero effort to maintain. I almost always start here.

    Second favorite: Lying on my back with a pillow under my hips, feet flat and knees bent at about 45 degrees. While I can relax really well in this position it does take a little effort. When things really ramp up this position makes me tired quicker than any other.

    Left side (same as right really). Interesting thing about left vs right is that sometimes left is 100 times better. Sometimes it’s a dud.

    Face down: Lying face down is also a very relaxing position that creates unique angles for the Aneros and can occasionally take me over the moon. I point my penis straight down toward my feet in this position to avoid any friction. This is the only position that I’ve had involuntary twitching of my legs and glute muscles (amazing sensations)

    Find what works for you and change things up throughout your session. Just like partnered sex, changing positions during play makes things better.

  5. Try them all and ones you think will work… once you start pulsating, you’ll evolve into similar positions… it’s part of the enjoyment

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