1. Probably not the lubes fault. I suppose it’s possible that your contractions are trapping tiny air bubble that build up like queefing does?

    More likely by playing back their, you are activating your bowles to start moving, the same way your entire gastro tract starts up when you eat. After it gets moving, it’s a matter of time before gas builds up.

    Are you generally gassy? Can you take anything to reduce the gas?

    Fwiw I also build up gas and let some out whenever I relube (1-2x and hour).

    PS. These are my own interpretations of how everything works that I’ve built up over time. I don’t guarantee it’s accurate.

  2. Weirdly, it’s when I had some mild gas when I first reached a p wave. I’ve not reached there since. I’m not sure myself what that means

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