Clarification / Confirmation

I’ve been having this experience but I’m not sure if it’s the real deal.

I’ve spent the last 48 hrs riding waves of intense abdominal contractions caused by my Aneros toys. They start with a tingle, pressure at my prostate and then explode into body folding abdominal contractions that, if I was shooting a load, I’d call an orgasm. I don’t get the post orgasm glow or any washing over feeling that people describe. Just intense ejaculatory like contractions.

Would you call these p-waves, p-gasms, mini orgasms?



  1. I experienced that once. I’m with you. Didn’t get the buzz or glowing feeling.

  2. Second this. This is a recent development for me after months of sessions. In the last few session I’ve had these waves of intense abdominal contraction. At least so far, the level of pleasure isn’t all that high with these dry orgasms but I’m hopeful this will come with time.

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