Finally bought something new, now have a question for other trident users.

So, I’ve been using a Helix syn for 4 or 5 years. I love it and have had varying degrees of success with it over the years and thankfully fewer and fewer dud sessions since beginning.

I’ve long thought of getting another and put lots of thought into it before maybe a decision. Long story short, i decided to go for a eupho with the classic finish (not the syn). I picked it up at a local shop last Friday and when I got home I realized i bought the trident version. I hadn’t intended to get that but whatever, I’m open.

I found it to be different and genuinely quite pleasurable, but the forward prostate tab gets really painful after a while(it’s flexible on my helix). I’ve heard others suggest that it can be cut off, but I’m not certain that’s what I want to do. I’m just looking for advice here. Do you get used to that tab over time? I actually didn’t mind the gentle pressure at first but after you really get into it, it really isn’t all that gentle anymore.

Thoughts? Tips?



  1. You could try putting a small piece of tissue or cotton wool between your skin and the tab. I’ve also read that some guys heat the tab to bend it but that seems a bit risky.

  2. Never cut the P tab off, it delivers a unique sensation. I found the discomfort is due to the narrow cross section width. I use a thermal glue gun and add a bit of glue to each side of the P tab. I use thermal glue because I can reheat the glue later with a hair dryer and adjusting the shape.

  3. I wouldn’t remove it because then the back tab would be a fulcrum and pull the toy away from your prostate.

    I got used to mine on the Program Ice, but in order to do so took time, and I occasionally would put something on it to reduce the pressure. I used a hand cloth (I keep one around for lube patrol) but maybe the easiest thing would be a band-aid.

    I tell you, adding that extra thickness pushes the toy into your prostate harder and really amps up the action.

    Good luck!

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