ways to increase sensations

Hi guys,

After having a my first HFWO with my Anero Helix Syn a month or two ago, I’ve been continuing to use it about every week or so. I’ve been continuing with the same routine, which has been making having a HFWO more and more easy, with less and less body spasming.

The problem is, I have very limited sensation up until close to the point of having an orgasm. It is clear that I am stimulating the prostate as I can cum relatively easily, and my prostate is definitely getting more sensitive as its getting a lot easier to cum with less movement. However I am a bit disheartened that I have very little to no sensations (like p-waves) leading up to the orgasm. I have tried using positions other than laying on my back with my knees up without much success, and I have also tried stopping myself from thrusting during the sessions as I’ve read that that makes you have a wet orgasm which is not my goal. I have also tried to separate the orgasm from ejaculation without much success as well.

I guess my point is, it takes me around an hour to have a HFWO, with little to no sensation up until about 5 mins before the orgasm. Is there anyway to help me have a dry orgasm, or feel more p-waves or sensations? (E.g. different positions to try or ways to make the prostate more sensitive)

I feel like I’m starting to get frustrated over it so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks 🙂

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/v0nyi2/ways_to_increase_sensations/


  1. I just lay flat on my back. Personally I find that knees up lowers my arousal. How much lube do you use? Can you feel the aneros moving or do you just lube it up enough to put it in?

  2. Well. You’re lucky to experience HFWO! Never got there myself

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