How do you reliably reverse kegel?

I’ve figured out how to do normal kegels for a while now, but reverse kegels still seem sort of foreign to me. I’ve read some guides about pushing out like you’re forcing your pee out or bearing down or something, but whenever I try, it always centralizes in my abs and core rather than my PC muscles. Is this supposed to happen, or is it supposed to be fully in my PC region? If so, any tips for isolating these contractions?



  1. Next time you go to pee, do a light kegel to stop you’re flow. Then release and try to make the flow faster. Takes a times but you’ll feel your PC muscles push out. Just relax and stop if you find yourself pushing too hard and contracting your abs. Some very light/minor sensation of using your abs is ok too. It’s about like your sphincter contracting when you first learned how to kegel

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