Edging with aneros path to success?

I would like to be multi orgasmic! I have always loved HFWO and can achieve it with dildo or aneros. But recently I’ve considered trying to really tune into the prostate pleasure rather than ejaculation. The previous attempt was fun, I kept edging myself to the point of no return and letting the pleasure hover at a high level and bringing it back down. Sometimes I do this with Penis stimulation, when I’m getting close I stop and focus purely on pulling the aneros to my prostate, it feels amazing but I know it’s not an orgasm yet. When I eventually allow myself to cum I can do it slowly and I don’t shoot multiple spurts of cum, it kind of all comes out at once, like it’s being forced out in one big flow, which feels incredible, love watching it 😅

When I’ve been pegged and get the right angle, I drip cum, and on the rare occasion it feels like I might squirt 😅 I’m thinking that might be a path??

I have a lot of precum aswell so wonder if I’m just someone who’s prostate is really accessible🤷‍♂️

Any way to the point, has anyone achieved multiple orgasm/ dry orgasm / from edging your prostate and focusing purely on that pleasure rather than ejaculation (even if that happens)?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/w7ltbo/edging_with_aneros_path_to_success/


  1. yes, actually i achieve this on the daily. i only found it after rewiring, though i don’t call it edging it’s more like gooning.

    there’s a point where the orgasm happens, but we as men don’t notice it because we try too ejaculate rather than stay in the orgasmic state. in this state i can have nipple, dry penile, anal(rectum) or prostate orgasms over and over.

    the “don’t touch your penis” is for newcomers. once you can intelligently seperate orgasm from ejaculation you can “have fun” lol

  2. I consider myself rewired, I can get dry orgasms every session. I however wanted to experience a wet orgasm. The way I found that worked for me was to edge my penis while at the same time stimulating my prostate. When I feel an ejaculation is close I stop penile stimulation and continue fucking my prostate. With this technique I can get multiple wet orgasms although the cum just oozes out instead of shooting out. I’m not familiar with the concept of edging my prostate as you talk about.

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