Can anyone give some advice one how to transition from having HFWO to dry?
I am finally at the point where It seems like I can reliably have a wet orgasm in less than an hour. (30mins is the fastest so far!)
What works for me is inserting the toy, put on porn and play with my nipples. As I start to get an erection the pleasure builds up and feels great. Once I have a full erection the feelings progress as i start to do some light contractions but eventually the feelings sort of die off. At this point I take a short break (1 or 2mins) to find a different video and repeat the cycle with each time feeling better than the last until a HFWO.
Will this ever get me to a dry O or should I start looking elsewhere?
And help or previous post for reference would be greatly appreciated
I’m stuck at the same place you are. I haven’t been able to transition past it but people have told me that HFWO happen when there is tension in your pelvic floor. To switch to dry, you need to ensure your pelvic floor stays in a state of relative relaxation.
I’m the opposite. Desperately seeking a wet orgasm after hours of dry orgasm.
I’m still trying to get a wet orgasm!!!