Hey guys, I’d call myself as an intermediate as the title says, I haven’t had pgasms yet in over a year of trying and I’m looking for some insight if that’s ok.
My average session usually starts with me not letting my body clamp down too much, so the toy kind of tickles my prostate and the sensitivity builds up. That’s leads to good places usually, I’ve felt build up feelings where my heart starts to race and my prostate gets quite sensitive. I also get this feeling of hardness/pressure under my belly button later in sessions, I feel like that grows. I’m not sure if this is my prostate growing, a potentially orgasmic feeling, or if I’m simply pressing my bladder.
I tried a session with weed for the first time last night. Not sure if it helped or hindered, I do get a bit anxious with bud so I’m not sure it helps me with arousal. I didn’t seem to have the body awareness to let the session build up slowly and my body clamped down a lot, the sensitivity did build up eventually though. I had a lot of precum for the first time in a session but I’m not sure if that was because I was basically milking myself with the heavy pressure.
After the first hour, I have to confess to briefly touching my dick a bit to make myself aroused again, this would bring back the good feelings to my prostate but I don’t know if it was a good idea overall.
I do have a bit of a problem with overthinking too much as well. If I feel on the edge of something, I inevitably start to think ‘here it comes!’ I go through a range of thoughts/emotions though, last night I had moments where I’m thinking having dry orgasms must be too good to be true. I know that has to be a self defeating attitude. I’m sure I need to calm that down a bit.
I’ve gotten a bit more into nipple play and last night during some of the times when my prostate was sensitive, my nipples briefly felt very nice/sexual too, never experienced that in my life before.
I only abstained for 2 days before this session and I watched porn during too. I unfortunately wasn’t that aroused overall – I think I maybe need more days of abstinence to get my levels of arousal higher? I’ve also seen people saying porn distracts away from the body and I can believe it, it’s just arousal keeps my sensitivity high.
Okay, sorry for the rambling! I’m just wondering if any more experienced users have any insights about how I can improve my sessions? Thank you for reading this far and thank you very much in advance for any advice anyone can offer.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/xnlsjf/intermediate_aneroser/
Your experience is largely in line with mine but I cross over to various states of orgasm in pretty much each session. THC helps me a lot, I can feel it awaken my pleasure. I too can get anxious or paranoid with it so I vape really small doses. You are actually doing really well with the progress to be at the stage you’re at! I think the key in your description is the over thinking. I too have that problem but have been able to calm it down a bit. What devices do you use and what method of THC delivery do you use?
Give this a try next time; insert, relax, and let your body get used to the device. Once that’s done, take a micro dose of THC and then calmly “listen” for your pleasure centers to come alive. I really feel that awakening in the sphincter. If you feel that shift in pleasure concentrate on it and try to let it grow with minimal intervention.
Shift to a side laying position with knees drawn up, get comfortable, relax, and breathe deeply. With this, push out gently as if having a bowel movement. You may feel the tickle doing this. Alternate bearing down with light contraction and keep the deep breathing up.
I hope to read on here soon about your first Super-O!
I know lit people disagree with me. But you look at try poppers. There video which hard to find but tallanerosuser gives a great tutorial