Mini dry orgasms?

I’ve had more success that I wanted to share. Typical 3 days without ejaculating and 1 hour before the season I took a 10mg edible.

This time I did use porn as I was very horny. After about 30mins of really nice feelings I tried switching back to just some audio which took a bit of time but really brought on great feelings that had me think I was going to orgasm. After about 10mins of this I decided to take a break and get a drink of water.

This is when it got interesting. I went back to porn and this time I got myself into a sort of trance and brought on a strange type of orgasm. It felt really nice, like the warm glow you feel when a traditional orgasm starts. This time it just stayed and with each contraction came what I would described as micro orgasms..almost like “spikes” of pleasure which peaked and retracted with each relaxation.

Since I didn’t know what would come next I just tried to let it happen and not change anything. Unfortunately this faded after about 1minute.

I called this a win for the night and decided to end with a traditional orgasm which was amazing.

One thing I can share that i have learned is that there does not seem to be any short cuts or earth shattering advice that will get you to where you want to be. There is something to this “rewiring” term as I just continue to practice and my sessions get better and better with little surprises along the way.

To this date no mind blowing HFWO but I know I am slowing making my way there.



  1. you’re doing it right. if you want too have those earth shattering dry os, don’t ejaculate for multiple sessions. and you’re right everyone’s journey is different

  2. Nipple play along with Aneros ..puts me over the top ..body shaking orgasms come in waves and eventually do ejaculate

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