Help me understand what is happening?

Still a beginner here, have a question but please bear with me laying down some facts first that I feel are contributing factors.

Usually I would insert my helix syn trident for my sessions with a condom and some lube. Sometimes I would need to do some contractions for awhile, while other times, I can just let the toy slide on its own and create some tingling in my prostate. I would keep playing and exploring the sensations but at some point I would start to feel a tingle. That tingle would lead into what feels like the calm before the storm where I feel nothing for 2-3 seconds before it rapidly increase in intensity quickly with 2-3 waves of pleasure and then followed by the overwhelming urge to ejaculate.

As I am way too fucking turned on when it happens, it would lead into a raging boner that would eventually kill any kind of build up that was happening before. I feel the erection actually misdirected or redirected my attention from my prostate to my rod.

At this point, it feels like I have switched train tracks, where before I was getting high on prostate pleasure and now I am 110% erect but am at the base 0% of what feels like the start of a cliche masturbation session. I would try to attempt to go back to exploring my prostate sensations but would ultimately become impossible as I would somehow, mysteriously lose my ability to get horny afterwards.

I tell myself not to rush things and just end the session if I am unable to get in the zone after 10-30 mins of trying to reconnect with my prostate. I don’t really mind if the sessions doesn’t end with sexual fulfillment as I can always take my time to slowly but eventually awaken my prostate.

Here comes the real issue, around 3 hours after I have ended the session, I would start to have some sort of a weird tingling at near the base of my penis.

I can only describe it as the beginning of what feels like the urge to ejaculate. Then the feeling would start to become confusing where I feel stuck in between the feeling of wanting to urinate/cum. I would obviously head to the toilet to empty my bladder. However this feeling would still stay around, even after I have emptied my bladder. I would try to maintain some light pushing to attempt to eject the tingling sensation but it would only lead to 1 to 2 drops of clear pre-cum oozing out and nothing else.

Mentally, I keep feeling like I am about to ejaculate which is making me panic as I don’t want to make a mess, however physically, it doesn’t eventually lead to me having any ejaculation.

It happened again this time but as I was attending a social event 4 hours later, I almost freaked out when I felt like I was about to lose control and ejaculate. I went to the washroom immediately and it was the same feeling of wanting to pee and then feeling like some glue was stuck after emptying my bladder.

Could my prostate be swollen or inflamed?



  1. I don’t have a complete answer for you, but I’d like to report my experience about getting fully erect during sessions with aneros (both Progasm and Helix Syn for me). When it happens I can combine both pleasures lightly stimulating my frenulum with the tip of a finger and at the same time alterning some kegels and reverse kegels to keep my prostate awake. It can be very successful for me despite what they say in general to stay away from your member during prostate play. Usually I don’t get the urge to ejaculate during the process, on the contrary I remain in that state of bliss immediately preceding the ejaculatuon usually finishing with a strong dry prostate orgasm. Some other times my member stays flaccid and I can enjoy sensations from my prostate alone. I have been using my aneros toys for almost two years and I consider my rewiring at a good point. Maybe for you it’s just the beginning, it is frequent for beginners to be unable to control sensations when prostate awakes away from sessions. If this is the case it will tend to become less and less frequent and intense based on my experience.

  2. Here are some thoughts:

    1. I recommend you to not use a condom on your Aneros. A condom will make it harder for the toy to move around, even if you have a lot of lube.

    2. Once you get super hard what usually works for me is to make my brain concentrate in my prostate rather than my dick. To do that I slightly clench my pelvic muscles, like I’m holding a pen not super strong, that way my brain understands there’s pleasure building up in the prostate. Do this for a little, I would say ac couple minutes and you’ll see your dick going down.

    That’s exactly where you want to be. Once the dick is soft, that’s how you know brain and prostate are directly connected. From this point, focus on your breathing and relax as much as you can. Waves will come and go. Sometimes mild sometimes stronger. Remind yourself all the time when tension starts to build up that all you need to do is breathe and relax.

    Hope this helps

  3. Have experienced and similar pee/cum sensation a couple times. Once with Aneros and once doing Aless routine. It’s a uncomfortable feeling that I would say kinda borders on a burning sensation. It goes away within a hour. Kinda sorta remember a blue balls sorta feeling before hand. Both times it went away in a short manner but it will definitely make you take notice. It’s been several months since the last occurrence. I think if everything returns to normal by the next day I wouldn’t be overly concerned. Good luck.

  4. In a way its all part of it. Like, the fact you’re getting a raging boner shows that your body is fully aroused and ready for something. One thing to notice is how much easier it is to flex your “top muscles” if you’re familiar with Mindgasm, once you’re hard. So a rolling flex between your sphincter (your base muscles) and your top ( your “flex a boner” muscles) is easier and therefore more effective. If you incorporate nipple play (since I started playing with them with an Aneros in they’ve become much more sensitive) then the pleasure focuses in a triangle between nipplles, penis and prostate and its hard to decipher where its coming from. This can take focus off the Aneros and it can take over fully momentarily. Then there’s a huge boost in pleasure. Don’t let yourself get distracted by a boner. Anything that happens, happens

  5. I agree with others in that this can just be a part of getting to know your particular mind body connection to your prostate. During my sessions erections come and go. There are times after sessions (when I am aless) that I get prostate sensations much like you describe. I have come to like them too, very much. They remind me of the pleasure I get to experience being a male with a connection to his prostate. I welcome them whenever they occur, no matter the setting.

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