1. Define waiting and session.

    It’s not just putting it in and going about your day, it’s really a form of meditation. You have to be one with your breath and body — tension and expectations are the enemy. Expectations come from not being grounded in the now and observing what is happening right now.

    Like any other meditative exercise, it takes practice. There is no clear cut rule on how much is too much, it’s more up to you and your body and mind.

    At the end of the day, if you are unable to maintain presence of mind, I would suggest moving on, or trying to meditate without the aneros.

    You want to “rewire” your brain, which is done by repeatedly making associations with objects, activities, and your surroundings. Avoid touching your dick while it’s in, and I would heavily advise against watching porn while it’s in too. Relax, focus on the breath, and pleasure will find its way

    I say this as someone who has never achieved super O, but I know I’m much closer than I was 3 months ago.

    Best of luck my dude

  2. My sessions can go from 10 to 30 minutes of relaxing and doing nothing after inserting the Aneros. That’s when waves will start for me generally. Then it’s pretty much a blur of waves for an hour or so, and small breaks every now and again, about every hour or so. Like I’ll get up, smoke a cigarette and urinate and drink some water. Then back into it. The waves hit pretty much instantly then.

    My sessions are generally 4 hours long but feel like 5 minutes have passed

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