1. I am in a very similar stage as yourself. I did manage to have 1 dry orgasm so far and essentially the piece of advice I would recommend is to just continue to practice and experiment.

    I notice that my sensations are way more elevated while on THC. These THC sessions I feel less likely to HFWO although they do happen.

  2. I do not understand what triggers dry or wet orgasms. All of mine are dry, but with an absurd amount of precum lol

  3. I’m still far to new to this to offer much advice or wisdom, but can comment on my experience so will do just that.

    For me, I can get intensifying dry-o’s and intense HFWO’s but have yet to have a Super-O. I unlocked the HFWO’s by allowing myself around 5 days of semen retention but also aiming to allow myself to get aroused each day as to build anticipation for the day I plan on having a session. During the session, I’ll have dry-o’s that build in intensity but I’m also visualizing ejaculation as the pinnacle and activating my “top” (Mindgasm terminology) which seems to be directly tied to penile stimulation. I haven’t tried it yet, but my plan tonight is to NOT visualize ejaculation and refrain from “top” contractions and just focus on middle and base in an effort to see if this gets me closer to Super-O territory.

    The catch 22 for me is that semen retention gets me sexually charged enough to bring on the more intense dry-o’s but it’s also setting me up for ejaculation because my body longs for it after that many days. So I need to find a way to get aroused to that intensified dry-o state without having such a hair-trigger on my loaded gun. My hope is that if I can stay in a meditative state longer and avoid visualizing ejaculation and refrain from top contractions of ishiocavernosus and bulbospongiosus muscles, I can bypass HFWO and get to Super-O land. Will report back, but I think I may be onto something, at least for me.

    There’s also an aspect of where you chose to direct that sexual energy too, so I think I’ll aim to feed that energy back into prostate and make it my sole interest and fight any feelings/thoughts that pertain to the penis. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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