1. I haven’t read that, but I find if I orgasm normally (with ejaculation) I’ll be lower than usual, mentally. Whereas if I abstain from that but have a long prostate orgasm session at least once a week I’m clear and happier and lighter.

    It’s maybe because if you over do it you’re spending up a lot of dopamine so you’re depleted the next day, like an mama comedown or something. but I generally go for 4-5 hours and am still fine the next day

  2. My mental state has improved since I discovered more of the unknown parts of my sexuality. I feel like I know myself and my body better.

    I think there is much to be said for the beliefs, ideas, associations, stigma, stereotypes etc that cloud around doing something as “taboo” as this is in conTemporary culture.

    The fact isnour bodies are this way whether we like it or not. Denying it is unhealthy.

    Disenmesh the false beliefs and misconstruing of the act. Take all beliefs and values away. You are a biological creature and part of your reproductive system is accessed through your anus. It is an erogenous zone which in the very least can lead to ejaculation. At best, well…

    It is a biological reality that our socio-cultural zeitgeist has not yet caught up with. I believe over many years of varying religious and cultural indoctrination and taboo led to the men of the world have forgotten the beauty of “sodomy” as it became.

    In many cases in religious history these taboos also coincide with disease. Not eating pork, eating with a clean hand and wiping bum with the other dirty hand and so on. Sanitation and disease was behind much of religious taboo. I think sodomy fits here somewhat. It became taboo because of the inexplicable diseases that cloud around unsafe anal sex.

    So there’s a story…

  3. I was just about to ask a similar question, the medication I take for my anxiety disorder definitely lowers my libido a bit. I was wondering if anyone else has experience with prostate orgasms on and off medication? Are they still possible? Do they just take longer/ more effort?

  4. I don’t understand this post whatsoever.

    If anything this should help with anxiety. You need to learn to be present and not expect anything. Sounds like mindfulness practice, no?

    OP where did you get this information and why do you believe it?

  5. What you believe becomes your reality. And you probably won’t be successful of super o if you have anxiety anyways.

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