Which one is bigger, Maximus or Progasm Jr?

According to the Aneros’ website, Progasm is slightly bigger, however if I do the recommendation questionnaire the Jr is classified as mid-size.

Can someone answer to this question? If you had to buy the normal Progasm or the Maximus, which one would you choose?

Thank you.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/102i3oi/which_one_is_bigger_maximus_or_progasm_jr/


  1. Progasm Jr. is slightly bigger than the Maximus. Progasm Jr. also has the blackProgasm Icefinish, it moves nicely when lubed correctly! The Maximus has the white plastic finish that isn’t quite as smooth as blackProgasm Icefinish. I have both and use both regularly. The Maximus is mostly my go to as it seems to empty my prostate more completely of fluid during the prostate orgasm. Everyone’s body is different, I just accumulated all the models and use Maximus, or Helix/Eupho about twice a week. I use the Progasm Jr. maybe once a month and the full size Progasm maybe once every 6 months. The smaller versions just seem to move better on their own for me.

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