First time user, Chaotic state of mind

Hey everyone, need an advice, Is there anyone’s experience with stress problems, then looking for an escape by trying to enjoy the pleasures offered by this product, as an escape from the unpleasant feeling of stress, pressure, anxiety, feeling of fullness in the chest

I know that the pleasure that should be achieved, through Aneros is a pleasure that comes from calm, and a relaxed state, is not a pleasure that can be obtained quickly, however, is it possible that people with excessive stress can use this product, are there any side effects if it forced to use this product in a bad state of mind / chaotic..



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  2. I suffer from a mild form of anxiety and I’ve had to really work to calm it down and get results with the Aneros. You won’t suffer any ill effects using them, on the contrary, they’ll improve your ability to relax. If I’m really wanting to sink into it I’ll put in ear buds with really relaxing music and use a blindfold and just let myself let it go. Practice long enough and it may change your life. Another tool that I’ve started using is a float tank. Very relaxing and I use what I learn in there to enhance my sessions.

  3. Funny you ask this. I am a pretty stressed person, even though I do all the right stuff, inorder to counter it, cardio, weights, outside light, meditation etc. I also get easily addicted. And lately this thing has been just what you described here. I had just told myself to take a break from the aneros just to get the effects I initially had, in the beginning, to return. Today after work, I broke that promise to myself. I’ve started fantasizing alot during and to shock myself with (for me) kinda taboo ideas or images in my mind inorder to get the effects, kinda like porn. I had an ejaculatory orgasm during the aneros session and it gave me a clear enough state of mind to put the aneros into the basement and decide to take some months off and just have sex with my wife when we are both up to it. I think alot of users here will tell you how great it is for you but they don’t know you and your “operating system” and habits, tendencies and feelings etc. I think you wrote this because your gut told you something is off and you need a break. I am listening to my intuition, which I’ve had a hard time doing in the past. I’ve been taking too much advice and looked at others as authority figures. I think that I will know when is the right time to go back. But for now I will have to use some discipline and focus on other things like just meditating without any props. Anyways maybe there is something I’m not getting and if there is I’ll gladly hear from someone with more experience with similar “issues” or refection as me and OP. Do you guys do any fantasizing during. If yes, how much? And what is too much or too little?

  4. This was one of the main reasons I got in to this. I needed a way to disconnect and only have one thing to focus on as I rest my brain and body and try to bring a nice calmness to my life. Rest and relax with Aneros!

  5. I’m never stressed or nervous, but after a session I feel really peaceful and complete.

  6. I’m not depressed in the slightest, but sometimes I have dud sessions where my physical body doesn’t align with my mental state (random reasons why, idk)… in those sessions, I still have orgasms, but it doesnt feel right / I don’t feel connected with my body. Sometimes the dud sessions turn successful, where the physical pleasure my body experiences forcibly realigns my mental state to the pleasure. I like when that happens.

    This makes me appreciate female orgasms even more, because now I know what they mean when they can’t get into it. For regular male orgasms, it lasts so briefly you really can’t tell if it was a good or bad orgasm, just an orgasm, does that make sense?

    When the alignment IS right, I see stars.

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