Curious if anybody has ever tried THC lube oil or THC suppositories

Just curious if anybody has tried to use either of these types of products?
I know you can buy THC lube oil or THC suppositories at a dispensary.

Just wondering what the Feeling might be compared to using an edible. I do know that it does not provide the same type of mind / body high but wondering if the effect might help the overall HFO multiples



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  2. I’ve heard of people getting good results from using CBD suppositories and have seen plenty of folks talking about using THC lube, both bought and DIY.

    From what I’ve read there isn’t really any “high” for the whole body and mind like an edible, it more just makes it feel like your spot is floating. So it kinda gets your prostate high lol. Those reviews all say it feels nice, but is nothing earth shattering. Some of the best reports were from women who experience pain due to endometriosis or trauma being able to stay comfortable and actually enjoy sex.

    If I saw some for sale, I’d for sure give it a try. I’ve even thought of going the DIY route. But smoking, or vaping these days, is part of my routine, and that’s if I choose to include THC in that session.

    I prefer edibles since ingesting THC changes it to 11-OH-Δ9-THC, which is stronger and doesn’t wane as quickly as regular THC.

  3. I made some infused coconut oil, and have only tried using that as a lube one time. The time it takes for it to get absorbed into the blood stream and to the brain makes it impractical to use for a session.

  4. THC tincture…. Lay on your belly, ass up, Inject inside your canal, then insert aneros… you feel the liquid coating your colon.. abt 10 mins later, you’ll be orgasming like a MF… absolutely amazing… Also you can lube your massager with Vaseline then a generous coating of THC tincture over top the Vaseline… insert and feel the magic…

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