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  2. Pot, which is the one drug often recommended here, definitely helps, but it is not harder than alcohol, and it is much more healthy.

  3. Does anyone recommend anything other than weed or poppers? Because those aren’t “hard-core.” And for weed there is no counter-indication against occasional reasonable using. Poppers have a sketchier track record. As for other drugs, I personally use a slew of other ones that are not at all “hard-core,” a term that shouldn’t be used but in the collective mind seems to refer to highly addictive drugs that can potentially ruin a users life (though I am not going to get in an argument over the reasons for that, which are often society based and not drug based). Basically most drugs ain’t that bad, calm down, is what I wanna say.

    However I agree that no one should recommend drugs, and that language should be “I use drugs and it helps me” and not “you should use drugs.” But I think it is a disservice to the community to pretend that people aren’t using drugs.

    Lastly of course you can achieve super Os without drugs. I think that is clear, and anyone who has done the work of reading guides has seen that weed is a side note. But for some people weed realllllllly helps, so why shouldn’t people try it? We are adults or young adults and we can make our own responsible decisions.

  4. The language could use some clarification, as others here have mentioned.

    Also, some of the more experienced members of the Aneros forum discourage continued THC use during sessions, and consider it a crutch.

    It’s like THC is ultimately counterproductive if over-used for prostate play, since Aneros use is about the journey: exploring your sexuality and body, and building physical and mental muscles to the point where no drugs (or toy for that matter) are necessary to experience an O. The Aneros is like a set of training wheels for the true source of the Super-O: your mind.

    THC can facilitate that journey when used responsibly, but it can also lead to psychological dependence if you can only orgasm while high or buzzed. That isn’t the goal; it’s a shortcut. Great motivator if you’re not making progress, but Aneros users should not treat THC like a panacea.

    Thank you for listening to my TED talk

  5. Hard core drugs. Give me a break. Cannabis is legal and accepted as normal in many places. And it legitimately functions as a shortcut for me in my experience. I don’t recommend anyone who doesn’t already enjoy it to start doing it but if you are referring to the common suggestions that some THC will help then frankly I think you are over reacting.

  6. What drugs are you talking about exactly? Please specify what you consider hard core.

  7. Thanks. This is one of the reason why I am not seeking the big O.

  8. I don’t use weed… but a squirt of THC oil inside relaxes and fills that

  9. If your “Lets not get people addicted to hard core drugs” is in reference to THC/cannabis, then maybe you should stop watching reefer madness propaganda from the last century. There’s nothing “hard” or addictive about cannabis.

    People should be presented with the info to make a choice for themselves, I see no need to censor or supress such discussions. THC/cannabis gets recommended so often because it works. It’s also generally considered safe and actually has health benefits (unlike alcohol, for instance, which is straight poison as far as our bodies are concerned).

    Many like myself had explored prostate massage for years without much success, and were suddenly able to have prostate orgasms once they tried it with weed (literally my first or second attempt in my case). Even now THC sessions are way better for me than without.

    I’ll grant you that other substances occasionally get discussed, but not to nearly the same extent as THC – and even then it’s primarily psychedelics or poppers, neither of which is addictive – although I think more caution should be used when discussing those due to health risks of poppers and the potential for a bad trip on psychedelics.

  10. As he reads this post, maybe it’s time for another puff 😂.

    Cannabis is better medicine than the stuff the lab coats push. Poppers can be dangerous, as can most herbs, however Cannabis is not one of them. It’s non addictive, safe, healthy even! It’s my medicine.

    Cannabis is good, heroine is bad, Cannabis good, meth bad, … you get it.

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