What was this? Excitement over progress

I’ve been a user for a long time but due to my life being shuffled around a lot from my past, I’ve been having way different sessions very recently. I’ve been struggling to make progress for years partially due to psychological problems hampering my progression, but that’s changing.

I’m finally in that area of “what is this?” and I’m trying to split up prostate orgasms super-o’s calm seas stuff and more.

It happened in my most recent session. I had this, relaxation of sorts. It started with feeling like everything in my waist was combined into a singular spot on my stomach, and it went totally relaxed.

Whilst normally I can still feel tension in my pelvic area, if only slightly, this feels like one big muscle is sleep levels of relaxed.

Afterwards this feeling in my stomach goes through changes, either feeling like heat or feeling like it’s clamped internally. Sometimes my core tenses up. The model I use is also slid in further, and feels way more responsive even if it’s not actively moving.

If I can stay empty headed, this kinda evolves into this weird static-y but very pleasurable feeling over chunks of my body. It only lasts a second or two. It’s not really full body at this “moment”.

If I kinda focus in on all of this, I get this wave of multiple changes. Stomach goes sensitive, muscle twitching in legs, I feel this weird drifty-trance like feeling. And if it continues I get the aforementioned static feeling over my whole body in a burst, that seems like it can amplify forever. I also had this clamping internally that was like orgasm contractions on my prostate, I also have my legs lock up in my thighs like a leg cramp without discomfort.

Heart rate goes up, everything suddenly feels good I can feel dizzy or like I’m falling. But it has a peak, and a drop off.

This isn’t all things happening but it’s most, and I know a lot of it seems similar to a super-o. But, it also sounds like a prostate orgasm. Whenever I hit this peak of sorts everything kinda winds down and I can’t restart. It’s like everything is shut down gradually. Not a refractory period.

Whatever it is, it’s a very welcome development after all this time.
Anybody able to chime in with similar patterns?

I’m also curious how to keep the ball rolling instead of going flat. It feels fantastic but it never really lasts past 30ish seconds to a minute max. And I always feel like it can easily snowball into higher heights because I don’t get tired or exhausted, my body just shuts it off.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/12s9e45/what_was_this_excitement_over_progress/


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  2. Same here, I’ve just started, 2nd week
    I’m not sure about pleasure, but the prostate gets very swollen and so does my d. It’s going with waves in the abdomen part, but not full body and certainly not like crazy pleasurable, just an exitment. It’s like I am about to cum but am staying at the peak for a while, but then it just goes away, and the d gets soft again. After that I’m just getting tired/bored to go back to that point, but sometimes I do.

  3. Sounds like you’re making good progress now. The feelings you’ve described are the sort of things that happen to me before an orgasm, especially the falling feeling. Your body is figuring everything out and I’m sure that soon enough with a little patience you’ll be plunged in to orgasms 🙂

    Just don’t try and chase the feelings, they’ll come back to you. Gotta trust that bit the most. Expectation ruins it all.

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