Starting my prostate play journey

I’ve used my Aneros helix trident a few times now but with little success. Thought I’d share my mini breakthrough today, hope to experience p-wave, hands free orgasm sometime soon. I set myself aside an hour (not enough time maybe?), lubed up and relaxed, knees up laying on my side. Once I got used to the feeling I slowly contacted and released my anus to move the massager. So far quite relaxing but not mind blowing. 20 minutes in I was surprised by how much pre-cum I’d produced, which turned me on more! I found I could get into a rhythm of contracting and releasing with a slow build up of pleasure. This was easily lost though when relaxing or changing sides to lie on. Around 40 minutes I caught a wave but maybe chased too much? I let myself go vocally and found myself rubbing my nipples and stroking my skin as I was beginning to tingle. Was so hard not to touch my cock, which was by now rock hard and leaking pre-cum. This faded and never returned, the only other feeling was around. 50 mins feeling a lot more full and feeling the massager move more, but the intense pleasure didn’t return. Any tips for my next try much appreciated, will be posting progress again



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  2. Definitely sounds like you are off to a good start for your first time. Would try to listen to the first three Mindgasm lessons on YouTube.

  3. Everything you described tells me you’re off to a fantastic start and you’re going to progress nicely. Important thing is to remember to check your expectations at the door. Each session should be about discovering and embracing the pleasures it produces. That’s it. Sticking to that recipe will allow you to reach the next level. Rinse and repeat.

  4. Congrats. Next try must not mean next day. Sometimes one or more days rest maybe the better idea. Don‘t expect the same, it‘s never exactly the same. Welcome what happens next. If feelings subside it‘s often a good idea to wait for the next wave for a few minutes. Sometimes it‘s like running up a hill from different sides on different tracks, but better expect some kind of plateau instead of any edge. After nothing happens for 10 minutes or so, I call it a session. Good vibes and good luck, looks like your journey gathers momentum.

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