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  2. My kids are in bed by 8pm and my wife is normally out by 11pm. If I’m in bed by 2am, I can typically be functional for work the next day.

    At around 7/8pm, I’ll take a 5hour energy drink which guarantees that I’ll be awake for some playtime later. For me, it does start to wear off around the time I’m ready for bed. YMMV.

  3. First, it’s really good that you are able to relax that much during a session. Many guys here struggle with that, so you are ahead of some people here who have a hard time doing so.

    Have you considered listening to audio while you relax? It might just be enough to keep your mind active while relaxing. You could also edit the audio with little sounds every 5-10 minutes, just enough to keep you alert.

  4. Hi Romi. I recently posted a method on indirect p-stimulation. Please give it and go and let me know if it works for you. I found that it cut my stimulation play time from over 3 hours to less than a minute, and I can keep having crazy orgasms until I’m tired (in under an hour).

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