Achieving HFDO?

I’m interested to hear from anyone who has managed to move away from HFWO to HFDO. A lot of posts I’ve read from those that achieve HFDO/Super Os is that they never have HFWOs.

I’m currently using the muscle ‘tug of war’ method to gain involuntary contractions which brings on body shaking, heavy breathing p waves but no sense of orgasm as such. I’m only really satisfied through squirting cum, but then I have to finish! Is there just ‘re-wiring’ needed to reach a level beyond the p waves without the urge/need to squirt?



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  2. I’ve never had a HFWO but consistently get HFDOs so take this with a grain of salt. My theory is that the HFWO is brought on by following the patterns that bring on a traditional ejaculation, like heavy contractions to move towards the conclusion. Maybe try to switch things up during your buildup, light contractions and even some gentle bearing down. Again, just my best guess.

  3. I know some people have said that inserting it backwards made a difference. I’m not sure how safe that is though. I’ve done it personally with the non-trident MGX and it was the first time I managed to get a HFDO with my dick fully erect. I thought for sure I was going to HFWO, but didn’t.

    The reason why I think that worked is my prostate is already super sensitive, so many of the models put too much pressure on it. Maybe the Eupho might help, but it never seems to do anything for me.

  4. You need to separate orgasm from ejaculation. They are different functions. Prostate orgasms feel a little different and you can have multiples. Over time they are more intense.

  5. I’m sorry, I’m new to prostate play…what do HFWO, HFDO stand for?

  6. I started having HFDOs when I stopped chasing an ejaculatory orgasm by clenching my PC muscles to bring me over the edge. I stay as relaxed as possible and just stay in tune with my body. The pleasure from my prostate builds up with every pwave until I get a HFDO. That’s the best way I can explain it.

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