Asleep during first HFO…

So I’ve been using Helix/Progasm a while without much joy other than occasional increases in heart rate. I read something yesterday about using the helix ‘inverted’ so I thought I’d try it! Well bugger me after trying to relax for an hour or so as I drifted off I had my first full HFO. The only other results I’ve had previously were also as I was drifting off. Clearly some part of my conscious is either blocking progress or I’m not relaxed enough. Any recommendations for relaxing? Tried breathing & meditation etc. Illegal drugs inc week are not an option for me… TIA.



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  2. You could try Mindgasm.

    Otherwise continue with the breathing and meditation but the trick is to not view the entire process as goal oriented. The more you aim for HFO the less likely it is to happen and then you get in a feedback loop of frustration.

  3. You perhaps can try some good CBD. It can be really relaxing and get you in a good mindset.

  4. I think your muscles are just relaxing so much asleep and then aneros does its thing while relaxed. The hardest part with HFO is relaxation so maybe you need a routine to relax or even have a nap and try aneros. I also once had super o after trying hard then falling alseep. Was rubtly woken up with increased heart rate and unbelievable pleasure so again its evidence I wasnt relaxed when trying before falling alseep…

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