
Recently bought the Eupho and had some good feeling while playing with my nipples,but I’ve started to experiment,this is probably not recommended as it’s totally not hands free but I lube up just the head of my cock and only slightly rub and squeeze it and that in turn makes my ass contact and tingle the feeling is immense and it doesn’t take to long before I’m having dry orgasm’s and no control of my legs shaking the then finally a wet orgasm’s that feels like it originated from my prostate,i haven’t got the mental patience to lay for hours my mind wanders and I’m nolonger exited so this for me is what I’ll do until I can learn to transfer all the pleasure to my prostate,note that the hole time I also have a finger playing with a nipple and I’m only touching the head of my cock ever so slightly to make my but contract on its own .try it if your a beginner like me who was ready to give up,



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  2. Was a good way to train, but honestly just try to go without.
    Eupho is really subtle as a beginner. What really got it going for me was to nap with it. If you’re going for a daytime nap for an hour or two. Just pop in it. Casual, no pressure. While you’re trying to fully relax to fall asleep, your body is relaxing fully.

    I done this a few times, then eventually I started to notice that I’d get a buildup of feeling in that whole part of my body as I’d drift off. Which would wake me. Continuing to try to fall asleep, it would happen again.

    Now when I go for a nap and insert the Eupho, it will basically give me a full session of orgasms and waves of full body pleasure. I will be in and out of the nap, but “awaken” fully rested and absolutely sexually satisfied.

    You’ll thank yourself in the long run for a bit of discipline.
    If you go into every session, putting pressure on yourself to have one of those explosive Super-Os like the videos online, you’ll never get there. You’ll have intense traditional orgasms if you continue to play with your cock, but you won’t go any further than that. And trust me, as good as that is, it’s only about 1/4 of the way to the pleasure you can experience.

    I was where you were too, everyone was. But realising that the less you do, the more you’ll get out of it, is a big lighbulb moment. Let it do its own thing. And stay out of its way!

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