What stage is this?

I was doing a session for about an 1.5-2 hours the other day and was using the Helix Syn for around an hour, followed by the Progasm. I noticed an unusual feeling that I don’t normally get in my sessions (which normally feel good but are mostly uneventful).

I felt a sudden vibration, and a clenching that would come on and off in my abdomen. Occasionally this would coincide with the flexing of my PC muscle that I was not doing in a voluntary way.

I did not feel a release or a sudden feeling of pleasure like a normal orgasm. I just had this vibration and clenching going on, which felt good but not like a full regular orgasm.

I have been at this for a few years and never got that far before (I was using a do nothing approach).

Is this a prostate orgasm? Or what stage of the process did I get to? I am a little confused. It went on for 5 minutes or so and then I lost it and ended the session.

Any ideas?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/14osoeb/what_stage_is_this/


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  2. It’s a good stage. Really try to let whatever is happening, happen. That’s the hard part. You may feel like trying to “hold it there” and in the end it will pass. Instead, let go of everything and allow your body to do the work. Allow your mind to drift and stay the course. You are almost there…

  3. It’s absolutely part of your amazing Journey… just wait until your in the middle of an amazing Orgasm session, and all of a sudden your PC muscles start automatically pushing out and drawing in your Aneros… you’ll just lay there in agonizing ecstasy with the ORGASMS coming non stop! You’ll be flopping around like a fish out of water, your tongue will be falling out of your mouth, non stop moaning… and the only way it will stop, is when you finally muster up the strength to reach down between your legs & ass cheeks and rip the blasted aneros massager out of your ass… only happens to me once in a great while, but OH BOY…when it happens, it’s mind blowing…

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