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  2. I prefere them too. I can feel more pressure on my prostate which I like. I think I mostly like the plastic models more so fare because I‘m still learning and am rewiring. Once im done I might prefere the others. But till that day, they will wait patiencely in their storrage box.

  3. The only classic white model I have is the Maximus. I love the texture, and certainly feel an increase in pressure. But I don’t care for the tabs digging into my skin. I’m aware that tissue paper or a rubber nipple on the tabs would correct this, I’m just lazy lol.

    But for the silicone models I like the comfort long term. I also really like the gentler, subtle stroke that they offer. I don’t care for how flexible the tabs are though. They work as designed as it relates to pivoting the toy, but I feel like the external stimulation is lacking.

    Rigid tabs, like on the Syn V, is the perfect balance for me.

  4. I have a plastic and silicon MGX and a silicon Eupho.
    The plastic MGX is my favorit and the silicon Eupho is a nice moodsetter….soft and subtile.

  5. I used to own a silicone Helix Syn, but didn’t really care for it. Today, I have a Eupho, a Helix and a Progasm – all in rigid plastic – which I’m very happy about. Primarily as they work fantastically with silicone-based lube.

  6. Silicone lube is the best. So the regular aneros are best for that.

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