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  2. Do you have anything else in your life thatis causing stress or anxiety? I had a period where I was dealing with some health issues that had not yet been diagonosed that was already causing anxiety but having prostate play sessions my anxiety seemed to get worse.

  3. I have been trying to reach the HFO or super O or anything along thos li especially for a few months now and last night after a hour or more of play I ended up just finishing my session through Penis play.
    But when I went to bed I was having all these internal weird sensations like anxiety or something and it came in waves. I couldn’t sleep or figure it out.

    Yeah I’ve suffered from anxiety in life but wasn’t the same mental and physical feel, it was completely physical and different.

    Hoping it’s not from the prostate play. I did get further and had great waves of feelings in my sessions so I’m not sure what to think.

  4. The first month of prostate play I got really anxious before the act, it was good anxiety though, like anticipation… and my prostate was extremely sensitive, I was horny/anxious all the time. It went away as I got more comfortable with the new feelings, give it a month or two 🙂

  5. Keep reminding yourself those are the fear that’s been inside of your body and it’s coming out now, which is a very healing thing. While it may feel scary, you have to keep reminding yourself to bring yourself to the present moment by acknowledging and accept those feelings and reminding yourself that you are safe. It’s just a feeling after all, and the feeling only has as much meaning as we give it.

  6. Yeah.. I too felt kinda “off” for a few days… it did go away. I will still feel a little “off” if I have a series of super-os.
    I’m finding that when I have a really long, strong session, my muscles at my core sometimes are overworked and take a while – even a couple days to recover.
    The stronger my core gets, the less I get those feelings.

  7. If weed was involved I always recommend looking into depersonalization. If you can catch this early you can alleviate a lot of future anxiety. YouTube depersonalization manual.

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