Help with getting started

I’ve read up on the aneros beginners forum and listened to multiple podcasts, but I’m hoping for a little more specific feedback.

I ordered the Helix Syn V and I’ve used it 3 nights in a row so far. I’ve been mostly trying to learn to distinguish my different pelvic floor muscles and to incorporate them with using my aneros. I think I’m heading in the right direction (?) because I’ll generate precum multiple times in a session, but I can’t seem to get much further than that aside from the occasional ripple of tingling sensation throughout my body that I’ve felt before when I really had to pee but held it. I know it’s a journey, but I was hoping more experienced users could help point me in the right direction with a few things.

Do I need an erection for this work? I’ve enjoyed listening to erotica and trying perineal massage, but I’m not always hard when I do it.

Why does everyone mention binaural beats? Just because it’s relaxing? Will I not achieve the same result lying in bed?

Are the vibrating settings helpful or more for enjoyment once I’ve rewired?

Should I try blue balling myself and then focusing on the pelvic floor muscles? Or should I be totally disassociating my cock and prostate?

Also I’ve pretty much watched porn every day since I discovered it at the age of 12 which is a habit I’m trying to break. As a result mastrubation has become something I often do out of boredom more than being horny and I don’t often get spontaneously horny anymore. Is that playing a role in my success and what can I do to address it?

Any advice is appreciated.

Edit: also why are all the YouTubers who talk about this women? Why can’t I find someone with an actual prostate to discuss how to work on this?



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  2. this isn’t an answer to your questions, but you are overthinking it

  3. I’ve posted this in comment before
    Probably gonna post it much lol but

    I think the best advice in my opinion tbh
    And that Is

    This is actually all a mental mastery challenge
    There are no magic secrets
    Best toy
    Best shape of toy
    Magic audio or hypnosis tracks
    Body Positions
    Muscle squeeze sequence lol

    Like here’s my
    so … As you see
    some people can literally achieve orgasms without a aneros further down the line
    So really I think if people can kinda master the mental game then yeah gg
    Although it don’t really just work like that even if you know it’s all mental so idk
    That’s just what I have in the back of my mind when I try using aneros and achieving this stuff in general
    If I know it can be achieved just with my mind
    Then it kinda detaches me from the whole
    HOW CAN I MAKE THE aneros ( a physical external thing in the world ) work. What’s the best position or depth to put it in or best toy or shape etc etc

    Rather than
    It technically don’t matter it’s all mind
    So you can then detach and just relax into knowing you don’t need anything external for you to achieve a magic orgasm

    But Again that don’t mean just throw all physical toys away lol
    Until you actually start to even subconsciously feel the prostate orgasm orgasms and feelings
    And when you kinda link muscles to pleasure that the aneros causes
    Then you can let go

    But I just say this to ask you put inside the back of your mind when using an aneros
    It ain’t the magic
    Your mind is the key and I think this will help people just achieve even 0000.01% better simply due to your letting yourself let go and relax that tiny bit more knowing you don’t need to force anything in the physical world to work if you get me?

  4. Here are a few tips of mine
    -stop watching porn
    – relax…don’t force anything
    -focus…it is a mind game

    Took me at least 10 times to figure a few things out and got better over time. The device helps you focus on the muscle groups because you can feel it moving.

    I am also not a fan of vibration as I believe it has a numbing effect. The contractions and muscle movement is subtle and needs to be felt in order to master it.

    Binaurals can be great to “confuse the mind” and disrupt the other thoughts in your brain. Helps me focus.

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