Apprehensive after my first session

Straight male recently started exploring back door stuff. I just received a knockoff and spent an evening with it. I had bought more expensive stuff before and had initial regrets when using it, so I didn’t want to buy expensive things only to end up discarding it. I thought these cheap knockoffs would be a good way to test drive new types of toys and give me a better sense of what I like and disklike.

Tldr is while I loved the pleasure, it later turned into pain. I might’ve been clenching too hard and pushing too hard into me. Seems to have mostly resolved by following day, but apprehensive about trying again or buying the real deal.

With this knockoff, I definitely experienced some pleasure from it. Took a little while and was trying a bunch of different positions, angles, and muscle clenching techniques. After 30 minutes or so, I started feeling good; very nice sensations that I was searching for with anal play.

I think I have pretty well developed kegel muscles (thx to 10 yrs of erotic hypnosis hfos). But the biggest revelation for me was the feedback that the device provided. I noticed that even though I’ve reached max clenching or relaxing, the device would continue to move. When clenching, I feel the device get pulled in, and as long as I continued clenching, it continued to get more and more sucked in, applying a great deal of pressure to both my perineum and inside. this blew my mind as I realized my muscles are doing much more than what I thought I was consciously controlling. i noticed similar effects when relaxing, just continuing to move long after I thought I was fully relaxed. I found this absolutely fascinating and loved the feedback this was giving me.

When I clenched for a long time (ie minutes), the device would start moving in and out on its own and I would get very pleasant sensations along with my hands feet legs beginning to tremble and quiver. It felt like I was on the right track. I relaxed every now and then to rest for a few minutes before clenching again.

I was absolutely elated with this until I started noticing a slight discomfort in my lower abdomen when I clenched. I stopped and tried adjusting my position and angles of the device but the discomfort continued. After a couple of attempts, I got concerned and pulled out the device. I didn’t see any blood or anything unusual from a visual inspection. Then I got this sudden and painful urge to pee really badly. I did so and didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary there either.

But the pain continued to grow over the next 10-20 minutes. I went in with my hands since I was still lubed and to see if I could feel anything out of the ordinary. I couldn’t detect any abnormalities and actually started to feel very aroused again. I finished using my hands and noticed that the pain had gotten much better afterwards.

Next morning I didn’t have any pain, but maybe a slight soreness in my lower belly.

So at this point, I’m not sure what to do. I want to explore the device more but the pain was a scary experience. Thing is, I’ve experienced something very similar in the past when I did very very long edging sessions. In those cases, pain would be much more intense than what I just experienced, start few minutes after an orgasm and last up to an hour or two. However that pain was closer to the perineum, whereas this is in my belly. That past experience also made orgasms very painful even the day after, but this has not been the case with this device.

So I’m at a loss of what to do. I can wait a few days before giving this another go, maybe without clenching so hard and long as I had. I also thought about getting the real deal and see if that helps, though if it doesn’t I’d be upset about wasting money (normally not a big deal, but it’s been a rough year financially). Or maybe I should cut my losses and stick to plugs and vibrators? But I’ve never experienced that feedback discussed above and would like to continue exploring that aspect of these kinds of devices.

Thoughts, tips, suggestions very welcome. Thx!



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  2. I’m a big proponent of not doing anything and allowing the toy to fuck you on it’s own. Try it, you’ll be astonished

  3. Unrelated, but there is no need to identity your sexual orientation when it comes to exploring your own body. This is a common theme that needs to stop.

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