Do I have to douche before sessions?

Just got my first aneros and I’m eager to use it. But I want to keep everything sanitary. After having a BM is it necessary to douche or can I just go in right after? (After cleaning up the outside obviously)

Also is there a period of time cutoff after a BM, for example if I have a BM early in the morning can I have a session in the afternoon without the fear of getting fecal matter on the toy?



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  2. dont know what bm is but either way you don’t need to douche. Been using the toy for a while now. All you need to do is to stick a finger up your bum. If you feel a little bit of matter then go clean in the bathroom. If not then you’re good to go 🙂

  3. That’s the thing I like about prostrate massagers and aneros since their small they don’t really get dirty easily tbh. Can just go in for the kill whenever horny without worrying obviously to an extent lol

  4. I always do, but it’s less because I have to, and more for my own piece of mind. I am able to relax much more if I know I am clean. But if you have a healthy diet with a decent amount of fiber, you should be fine to play. I’d recommend waiting 20-30 minutes after having a BM to put the toy in. From a physiological perspective, fecal matter isn’t held in the rectum unless it’s ready to come out (ie, you feel like you need to go to the bathroom), so as long as you have recently used the bathroom , you should be fine 🙂

    As for the timeframe after, it all depends on the person. Some bodies have a consistent schedule, some don’t. It all comes down to knowing your body and knowing when you are clean vs not. And that comes with time and trial and error. Ultimately, the worst that might happen is your toy gets a little messy. A quick clean up in the sink with hot (!) water and soap will fix that right up 🙂

    Happy playing, and good luck on your journey 😀

  5. I find it better to douche but if you don’t mind cleaning stains after the fact… it’s up to you 😅

    Poop is different if you eat different things, or drink enough water or have some illness.. so yeah, difficult to say if having a BM in the morning won’t stain the toy in the afternoon.

    Just be aware that you’ll be playing right where poop comes out so it isn’t rare to find the thing in your toy, specially if yo go “natural” 😅

  6. Use a water enema until it comes out clean. I use the fleet ones and replace the fluid with tap water.

  7. A plain water bulb enema to flush the rectum is an excellent idea. The Aneros toy will move better and there’s less chance of fecal matter showing up unexpectedly

  8. You don’t have to, the aneros doesn’t go particularly deep. If you had a solid bm at least an hour before and aren’t on the verge of another you are usually in the clear. Keep in mind with anything anal its very time consuming to be 100% clean, and doing so often will lead to irritation. Aneros is easy to clean. You can always pop it out and see if it looks clean before getting too far into your session. Wash with soap and water and relube either way.

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