Is it uncommon to lose all pleasure and feelings after not that long into it? At the start ( even inserting ) I get immense pleasure almost an orgasm in itself tbh. But a few mins into sessions I just lose pleasure and interest?? Where’s does it go?

Hello, I hope your day isn’t going too bad so far?

I’m not sure if my body is just not normal
But I can get a type of super o
Which from my understanding is just an orgasm that keeps building and buildings endlessly until u either can’t take it or you stop
Which is exactly what I can achieve from doing the opposite to relaxing and pounding my prostrate fast with say a njoy wand or anything

So I wanted to try going back to achieving it with an aneros hands free

But firstly when I’m inserting and even before inserting if I just massage my Butt I start moaning
And then inserting the aneros even a bit I loan and it’s almost a type of orgasm in itself

But once It’s all in and stuff for a few minutes it will feel okay and then it will just wear off
Not feeling much at all and then I get bored??

So it’s like I’m half programmed but half ain’t? Is it because I’m not used to going slow or?

Would it be possible to look into this, please? thank you sincerely for responding to me, Your kindness is appreciated. I hope this is not a hassle for you and Have a Wonderful day ahead! 🙂



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  2. Yeah you have to be hard AND turned on for the pleasure to keep coming. When your hard your prostate is larger and more sensitive. But usually for me it’s not easy to stay hard once it’s inside me so it stops feeling pleasurable in a few moments as well

  3. I think I’m in a similar situation. I don’t think I’ve had an O yet, however typically when I insert the aneros I can get to some “waves” of pleasure after a few minutes that keep getting better and better. I kinda feel like I’m spinning, and there are a lot of involuntary contractions. But at some point, usually not after too long, they just disappear and the session is over at this point.

    It almost feels like I contract too hard and drive the pleasure away, I don’t know exactly how to put it. It seems like if I concentrate more on subtle movements and feelings the waves will continue longer.

  4. I’ve had something similar happen to me but I’m not sure it’s 100% the same.

    So I’m super horny. I can’t get the Aneros set up. I put it in and immediately from the mere contact with the prostate I get these super strong whole body waves. It’s like buzzing with excitement and pleasure. Then I when I start doing anything, this feeling slowly dissipates and is replaced with the usual feelings.

    It stopped happening and now I focus on the “traditional” stuff which actually matter because they’re most common and easily identified in the community, so it’s easier to judge progress.

    That said, if I had to give you advice, it would be to not focus on these sensations too much and instead focus on doing it “right”. If these feelings persist or can be harnessed toward the end goal, so be it, use them.

  5. How long have you tried for? In the beginning it would be easily a half hour or more before it felt good. Comes much sooner now, but that is after almost a year.

  6. Have you tried other positions? Sitting, laying? On your side, back or stomach? You leg bend?

  7. I’ve experienced this and at least for me personally it seems to be an issue of my pelvic floor tensing back up. I use the Eupho Syn most of the time, but occasionally I’ll use the MGX Syn. I’ve had the most success with those two, but hardly any with the Helix Syn. I also got a Pro-State 950 from High Island Health (Aneros’ parent company), thinking the shorter length would be better for contacting my prostate even when my pelvic floor tenses up, but so far it hasn’t worked out that way. I really think keeping the pelvic floor as relaxed as possible is key.

    When starting a session, I relax those muscles as much as I can and continue doing so as I insert the toy. I don’t push it all the way in to the base, just to the point that it stays in. Think of this starting point as your 0% for how much you’re contracting your PC muscles — totally relaxed.

    As the session goes on, what I’ve noticed is that base contraction level slowly goes up. As involuntaries occur, I actively try to relax back to that base contraction of 0%, but due to unknown factors (muscle fatigue? inexperience?) I usually end up unable to relax all the way back down to 0% and as a result what I think at the time feels like the base contraction is actually like 5%, or 10%, or higher.

    Then, because I’m not as relaxed, the toy doesn’t make good contact with my prostate, so the pleasant sensations are either decreased or subside entirely.

    The few times I’ve been able to keep the toy in that sweet spot, my cock will slowly get harder and harder until I’m rock hard, and at that point my prostate must be engorged because the toy is usually moving around like crazy. If I’m able to keep that going for long enough, I’ll start leaking some precum, but as of yet I’ve been unable to keep it going for long enough to find out what happens after that. I’m excited to find out though!

    Anyway, that’s my two cents. Not sure if it will help anybody else, but it’s at least something to consider.

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