Advice for a Newbie?

Hi – I just got a aneros syn 5. I’ve gotten to the point where I can trigger involuntary contractions with subtle pc flexing. These make my cock physically tremble – but I wouldn’t say it’s insanely pleasure. I can hold the contractions for a bit if I focus.

Am I on the right track? Any tips would be great.



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  2. The involuntary contractions are a great skill set to have when your prostate is reliably rewired for pleasure. Getting to that point can be the tricky part. What you’ll be looking for is a really subtle tickle sensation in your prostate. Try experimenting with gentle contractions and gentle bearing down as if having a bowel movement but really gentle. Concentrate on feeling for that really subtle tickle and once you get it don’t try to actively move it along. Our male tendency is to push headlong towards orgasm but a more passive approach is what’s needed here. Let that tickle grow.

  3. Some more hopefully helpful hints; breathing, relaxation and arousal.

    Deep belly breaths with full exhale. Seems like maybe something not important but it leads to relaxation.

    Relaxation! Personally hard for me. Really focus on relaxing every part of your body. Mentally “look” at everything and remove tension from it. Face, shoulders (a big one!), chest, abdomen, legs. Let it all go and melt into the mattress. Breathe and melt.

    Arousal. Whatever gets you off mentally. I’m straight but last night with a dildo in my ass I had fantasies of a very handsome African American male that I work with entering me. Whatever floats your boat, let that imagination run wild!

    Bonus material; some of my best orgasms are brought on by stretching and yawning. Nice cleansing stretch and then sensuously caress your body, nipples chest, abdomen, thighs. Pamper yourself!

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