Problems with feeling numb after attempts at longer sessions with the MGX Trident

I’ve tried having longer anal-only sessions with the MGX Trident and throwing in some nipple play, clenching while imagining vividly and while I have the usual “get so excited you lose control of your muscles” problem, I have another one, if the toy is in long enough, I start feeling nothing and after a while, feel like I have to take the toy out.

No pleasure, a little bit of discomfort (though no pain) but relief if I take the toy out, it’s almost like the region the toy aims to rub against is fatigued and even if I relube and slide it back in, almost no sensation except a little bit of discomfort, I find that pulling the toy a little outward moves the spot the toy hits a little bit and makes it feel actively pleasurable again but that fades away very quickly and I go back to feeling nothing.

I’m not sure what to do, it’s not a lubication problem, it’s not a relaxation problem, it just feels better to stop using the toy after some time. It feels like the fatigue against my insides isn’t be tested any further.

Takes me at least a week or so before I’m in the mood of trying anal play again because I don’t like the sense of numbness and mild discomfort, it’s like having someone splash ice cold water on your while you’re edging, kills the mood and all you want to do after that is clean up.

So, what do I do?



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  2. How long are we talking here?

    Eventually the sessions end, lots of mine go this way so I just stop. Persevering won’t do you any favours at all. If you feel discomfort just stop, your body is telling you it’s had enough. 🙂

    Also if you’re clenching fairly hard that will do it too, try to be gentle if you aren’t already. It can be easy to want to clench as hard as possible but this is going to hurt after a bit.

  3. This happens to me but without the discomfort. I found recently if I just leave it and switch off completely I can get a different sensation altogether which is really nice.

    I loved my MGX until it broke.

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