Caffeine and prostate play?

Does anyone here have experience in whether consuming caffeine before a session increases the pleasure or chances of having a super O? I see a lot of people with anecdotes about THC, claiming it completely changed their success rate and it only makes sense that caffeine or nicotine would improve the chances as well. Afterall they are all psychoactive chemicals.



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  2. I had my first super o when I got home from the gym with a buzz from my pre-workout. I do think it helped. It was around that time that I became very proficient at having super os, but I could get them more quickly if I had my pre-workout before. It wasn’t just from the workout either, because there were a few times where I took it just for prostate play.

  3. Not sure I follow your last sentence. Psychoactive doesn’t have to mean euphoria or heightened sensitivity

    Rabies is psychoactive

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